
  • 网络rapid rewarming
  1. E组于缺血即刻头颅选择性低温后快速复温。

    Group E , rapid rewarming following selective hypothermia at ischemic stage .

  2. 冻伤的快速复温护理52例

    52 Nursing Cases Rapid Rewarming on Cold Injury

  3. 快速复温后,温度控制冷冻组的胚胎体外发育率为70.27%,液氮蒸汽冷冻组中,用高浓度甘油作保护液时,胚胎体外发育串为80.56%。

    After rapid thawing , 70.27 % embryos were able to develope well in vitro in the temperature control freezing group and in the liquid nitrogen vapour freezing group , the developmental rate was 80.56 % when the freezing medium contained higher concentration of glycerol .