
ɡāo rè liànɡ yǐn shí
  • High calorie diet;high caloric diet
  1. 结论:1、通过高热量饮食加小剂量STZ的方法,成功复制了2型糖尿病大鼠模型。

    Conclusion : 1 . A rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus was developed successfully by combination of high-calorie diet and low dose STZ .

  2. 目的:为了更深入的研究热量限制(caloricrestriction,CR)与能量代谢之间的调节关系,本实验通过高热量饮食诱导了大鼠胰岛素抵抗模型,并与能量限制大鼠做对比。

    Objective : In order to make a further insight into the regulation of energy metabolism of caloric restriction ( CR ), insulin resistance rats model was set up by high-caloric diets , compared with the CR rats .

  3. 实验组大鼠空腹血胰岛素及胰岛素抵抗指数在高热量饮食2月后即显著升高(P0.01),高胰岛素血症及胰岛素抵抗于注射STZ后6个月内持续存在。

    Compared with NC , there were significant differences in the level of FINS and insulin resistance index after high calorie diet given for two months ( P0.01 ) . The differences between the two groups had existed for the whole course of the experiment .

  4. 此类人群好大鱼大肉、甜食等高热量饮食。

    Such a good crowd lavish meals , sweets and high calorie diet .

  5. 高热量饮食健康教育对气虚型中风病人的影响

    Influence of Health Education of Diet High Calorie on Qi Asthenia Stroke Patients

  6. 长期高热量饮食致体内脂酯代谢紊乱的是结石形成主要危险因素。

    Main risk factor of lithogenesis was indiscriminate metabolism of lipid and esters owing to long-term high calorie diet .

  7. 结论:1.本实验通过高热量饮食喂养大鼠2月后,使大鼠产生高胰岛素血症、高脂血症及轻度的血糖升高,从而模拟了肥胖的2型糖尿病病人发病初期的胰岛素抵抗状态。

    Conclusion : 1.High blood insulin and insulin resistance were made in the rats after high calorie diet given for two months .

  8. 结果表明,2型糖尿病并高血压病可同时或相继发生,而且具备以下特点:嗜咽酒,高热量饮食,体力活动少,肥胖超重,血脂异常,年龄高;

    It shows that type 2 diabetes with hypertension may happen in complication or in succession , the patients of which are characterized by addiction to cigarettes and alcohol , high calorie food and drink , physical inactivity , corpulence and overweight , abnormal hyperlipemia and advanced age .

  9. 这是因为白藜芦醇长久以来被认为是法国悖论的关键因素,即有喝红酒习惯的法国人虽然吃了很多高热量的饮食,但心血管疾病发病率却很低。

    Resveratrol is a key explanation for the French Paradox & the low incidence of heart disease among the French people , who eat a relatively high-fat diet .

  10. 一项调查指出,怀孕期间的女性高糖高热量的饮食习惯将影响到胎儿的大脑,并使得他们在出生以后对于这样的美食也难以拒绝。

    Expectant women with a diet high in sugar and fat can'rewire'the brains of their unborn children and make them less able to resist its lure after they 're born , according to a news study .

  11. 高热量、高脂肪饮食对幼龄大鼠血清LDL、ox-LDL及脂肪组织TNF-α的影响

    Effect of high calorie and high fat diet on LDL , ox-LDL and TNF - α in juvenil rats

  12. 囊性纤维化的儿童需要高蛋白、高热量饮食。

    A.Children with cystic fibrosis require a high-protein , high-calorie diet .

  13. 儿童的高脂肪、高热量饮食与高血压的发生关系密切。

    The food of high fat and calorie is related to the hypertension .

  14. 糖尿病家族史、吸烟、年龄、性别、高血压家族史、饮食习惯(高盐、高脂肪、高热量饮食)、职业(脑力劳动为主)、缺乏体育锻炼是MS的危险因素。

    Family history of diabetes , smoking , age , sex , habitual diet ( high salt , high-fat and high calorie diet ), job ( mental labour ) and lack of exercise were risk factors of MS.