
  • 网络HIGH-END;high-end brand;premium brands
  1. 品牌咨询公司thepartners首席执行官吉姆普赖尔(jimprior)表示,这些引人注目的消费已经将新加坡很多地区变成了供富裕游客享受的高端品牌主题乐园。

    Such conspicuous consumption is already turning parts of Singapore into something of a high-end brand theme park for wealthy visitors , says Jim prior , chief executive of the partners , a branding consultancy .

  2. 青岛啤酒提高盈利水平的发展路径就是向高端品牌发展战略。

    Tsingtao beer improving the profit level of development path is high-end brand development strategy .

  3. 福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)打算向快速增长但竞争日益激烈的中国市场引入旗下高端品牌。

    Ford Motor Co. is setting its sights on the fast-growing but increasingly crowded Chinese market for high-end cars .

  4. 本田(Honda)旗下一向表现平平的高端品牌讴歌似乎永远都在转型。

    Honda 's traditionally under-performing Acura seems to be in perpetual transition .

  5. 据《汽车新闻》(AutomotiveNews)报道,虽然高端品牌只占到美国汽车市场总份额的10.8%,但今年高端品牌却贡献了汽车市场销量增幅的16%。

    This year , high-end brands have accounted for 16 % of all sales growth this year , though they represent just 10.8 % of the overall market . , according to Automotive News .

  6. “低价王者”现代汽车(Hyundai)名列第九位,紧紧跟在高端品牌奥迪(Audi)身后,略高于另一个高端品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)。

    And price-leader Hyundai grabbed ninth place , just behind premium-priced Audi and ahead of premium-priced Lexus .

  7. 而像保时捷(porsche)这样的超高端品牌也始终不愿触碰电视广告,因其过于大众化。

    Or even ultra high-end brands , such as Porsche , which have always shunned TV simply because it is too mass-market .

  8. 牛仔裤制造商LeviStrauss由于将高端品牌的地位让给了后起之秀,因此不再跻身全球百强品牌之列。

    Levi Strauss , the jeans company , no longer figures in the global top 100 after losing its place as a premium brand to upstarts .

  9. 福特报告,其正试图出售的瑞典高端品牌沃尔沃(Volvo)的季度税前亏损几乎翻了一番,从一年前的1.2亿美元,增至2.31亿美元。

    Ford reported a near doubling of the quarterly pre-tax loss at Volvo , the Swedish premium brand it is trying to sell , to $ 231m , from $ 120m a year ago .

  10. 美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,简称EPA)周一表示,他们在更多大众(Volkswagen)及奥迪(Audi)车上发现了作弊软件,超过之前披露的规模,而且首次在大众高端品牌保时捷的一些车型中发现了非法软件。

    The Environmental Protection Agency said on Monday that it had discovered cheating software on more Volkswagen and Audi cars than previously disclosed and , for the first time , also found the illegal software in some of the carmaker 's high-end Porsche models .

  11. 另一方面,外国汽车制造商继续在北京和上海等已经饱和的市场高歌猛进——在这些城市,奥迪、宝马(BMW)和奔驰等高端品牌占据了四分之一的市场份额。

    At the other end of the spectrum , foreign carmakers continue to thrive in saturated markets such as Beijing and Shanghai , where premium brands such as Audi , BMW and Mercedes-Benz account for a quarter of the market .

  12. 为了重新站稳脚跟,Gap最近取消了由明星设计顾问丽贝卡o贝担任的创意总监一职。加盟Gap仅两年的丽贝卡,此前曾成功推出H&M旗下高端品牌Cos。

    In an effort to find its footing again , Gap recently eliminated the role of creative director that had been held by star design consultant Rebekka Bay , whom it had hired just over 2 years earlier after she successfully launched H & M 's upscale Cos brand .

  13. 雨果博斯(HugoBoss)和CalvinKlein等高端品牌的高端成衣制造商利华成衣集团(LeverStyleInc.)首席执行长司徒志仁(StanleySzeto)说,与前几年前相比,现在的生意可以说是在爬行。

    ' Relative to a couple of years ago , things are crawling ' said Stanley Szeto , chief executive of Lever Style Inc. , a Hong Kong-based maker of high-end clothes for brands such as Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein .

  14. 塔塔集团最抢眼的收购行动包括去年买下钢铁公司CORUS,以及今年早些时候从福特手中购入捷豹和陆虎这两个高端品牌。

    Tata 's most high-profile acquisitions were its takeover of steel maker Corus last year , and the purchase of Jaguar and Land Rover earlier this year .

  15. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)、路易威登(LV)和阿玛尼(Armani)等高端品牌是首批在本世纪初在香港开设旗舰店的西方零售商,它们坚定地着眼于中国内地需求。

    Tiffany , Louis Vuitton , Armani , and other high-price brands were among the first western retailers to set up flagship stores in Hong Kong in the early 2000s with a firm eye on mainland Chinese demand .

  16. 英国零售商特易购(Tesco)表示,中国中产阶级“在产品质量的问题上正变得越来越老练”,包括购买更多国外和高端品牌,而不仅仅是更安全的食品。

    Tesco , the UK retailer , says the Chinese middle class is " becoming increasingly sophisticated in the quality of products they purchase , " including buying more foreign and high-end brands , not just safer food .

  17. 50岁的迈克尔•法内利(MichaelFanelli)是纽约市的一名建筑项目经理,他还保留着多年前购买的几条高端品牌艾特罗(Etro)的花裤子。

    Michael Fanelli , a 50-year-old construction project manager who lives in New York City , still holds on to a few pairs of patterned pants from high-end label Etro he purchased years ago .

  18. 这意味着,高端品牌沃尔沃必须与坚定地走大众市场路线的吉利共享零件。

    It means upmarket Volvo must share parts with firmly mass-market Geely .

  19. 迪奥、M.A.C.等高端品牌也未能幸免。

    And high-end brands like Dior and M.A.C. weren 't exempt either .

  20. 不少高端品牌都创造了创纪录的销量,而且还有很多顾客排队等着提车。

    They are accumulating record sales and building waiting lists of eager customers .

  21. 不过,舒尔茨说,星巴克能够与其他高端品牌愉快共存。

    But Mr. Schultz said Starbucks could happily coexist with other high-end roasters .

  22. 电视仍是汽车生产商青睐的广告方式,对高端品牌尤其如此。

    Television is still the auto makers'preferred advertising method , particularly for high-end brands .

  23. 也不是每个高端品牌都参与了大扩张。

    Not every manufacturer is sharing in the swelling of the luxury brand market .

  24. 成功地成为行业内高端品牌客户提供了技术设计支持及产品配套等服务。

    We have successfully offer technology design support and product matching to high-end brand customers .

  25. 直接收购高端品牌有助于国内汽车厂商迅速实现品牌升级。

    Direct acquisition of high-end brands helps the domestic manufacturers to achieve rapidly brand upgrading .

  26. 但一家经常攻击低端产品的高端品牌这么做要承担巨大的风险。

    But a premium brand that attacks the low end does so at its peril .

  27. 不管怎么说都应持有奢侈品股,因为亚太地区对高端品牌有着旺盛的需求。

    By all means own luxury goods shares because of strong Asia-Pacific demand for high-end brands .

  28. 雷克萨斯的老板马克o汤普林警告道,30000美元是高端品牌的红线。

    Lexus boss Mark Templin warns that a $ 30,000 price may be the cut off .

  29. 走集约化管理模式成就岩土工程勘察高端品牌

    Following the management mode of intensification , making a success of high-end brand of geotechnical engineering survey

  30. 买得起高端品牌

    Shopping for high end brands