
  • 网络VOLKSWAGEN;volkswagen group;Volkswagen AG;VW AG
  1. 该网站联合创始人兼执行董事长林达·温曼(LyndaWeinman)称,他们的客户包括Patagonia、大众集团(VolkswagenGroup)和企鹅兰登书屋(PenguinRandomHouse)等。

    Its customers include Patagonia Inc. , Volkswagen Group VOW3.XE + 1.31 % and Penguin Random House , says co-founder and executive chair Lynda Weinman .

  2. 近年来,国内汽车产业可谓是蓬勃发展,以此为依托,大众集团在中国的市场占有率也在逐步扩大。

    In recent years , automobile industry has been booming on domestic market . Based on this civil background , Volkswagen Group has gradually expended its market share in china .

  3. 大众集团没有立即就EPA的声明发表评论。

    Volkswagen did not immediately comment on the E.P.A. " s announcement .

  4. EPA的报告打开了针对大众集团的调查的新篇章。

    The E.P.A. " s report opens a new chapter in its investigation of Volkswagen 's practice .

  5. 投标人应取得ISO9001或同类质量体系认证,在大众集团拥有良好的售后服务和银行资信。

    The bidder shall have the same quality system authentication of ISO9001 or , in the group has good after-sales service and bank credit .

  6. 大众集团首席执行官文德恩(MartinWinterkorn)转而谈到了可以自动停车以及最终可以完全自动驾驶的汽车。

    Instead , Martin Winterkorn , the Volkswagen chief executive , spoke of cars that would park themselves and eventually run completely on autopilot .

  7. “生产汽车没问题。”大众集团另一子公司奥迪(Audi)的销售与市场总监卢卡·德·梅奥(LucadeMeo)表示,如果苹果决定进入汽车行业,不生产自己的汽车的做法不符合它一贯的风格。

    Luca de Meo , head of sales and marketing at Audi , another Volkswagen unit , said it would be out of character for Apple not to build its own vehicle , if it decides to get into the car business .

  8. 但大众集团中国区设计总监罗西蒙(simonloasby)表示,这也是一个充满某种乐观与激情元素的车展,而这在西方几十年前就不再流行。

    But it also a show infused with a kind of optimism and passion that went out of fashion in the West decades ago , says Simon loasby , head of design for Volkswagen in China .

  9. 这一发现给大众集团及新任首席执行官马蒂亚斯·穆勒(MatthiasMüller)带来重压,该公司没有向EPA报告这种减效装置,穆勒之前是大众集团保时捷部门的负责人。

    The findings put significant new pressure on Volkswagen , which did not reveal the defeat devices to the agency , and its new chief executive , Matthias M ü ller , who was previously the head of Volkswagen 's Porsche division .

  10. 它共享了大众集团的传动系统和基本的车身结构。

    Its cars have shared the same group power trains and basic body structures .

  11. 它仍然利用大众集团内部的共用零部件,但却实现了独特的效果。

    It still draws on the common group parts bin but uses them to unique effect .

  12. 在此之前,也暴发了德国大众集团的柴油汽车尾气排放检测作弊的巨大丑闻。

    The admission by Nissan comes after a huge scandal involving diesel emissions test cheating by Germany 's Volkswagen .

  13. 今年1月至7月,大众集团在中国销售了220万辆汽车,占其全球汽车销量的36%。

    From January through to July this year , VW group sold 2.2m cars in China , accounting for 36 per cent of global unit sales .

  14. 文章以德国大众集团的质量控制过程要求为例,介绍了一种现代汽车外购件质量控制模式。

    Taking the requirements of quality control process in German VW Group as example , the article introduces a kind of modern quality control mode of outsourcing auto parts .

  15. 前三季度,大众集团(中国)及其两家合资企业在中国大陆和香港交付了285万辆汽车,同比增长10.7%。

    Volkswagen Group China and its two joint ventures delivered 2.85 million automobiles in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong in the first three quarters , up 10.7 percent year on year .

  16. 在全球范围来看,大众集团的销量仅增长了1.3%,但是在中国其销量增长了8%,这使得中国不仅是大众最大的市场、而且是其增长最快的市场。

    Worldwide , VW group sales were up only 1.3 per cent , but in China they rose 8 per cent , making it not only VW 's biggest market but also the fastest-growing .

  17. 作为大众集团和一汽集团的合资企业,大众一汽发动机(大连)有限公司,以其年轻的姿态正逐步在汽车行业内占据坚实的地位,产量和销售额自公司投产起均逐年攀升。

    Volkswagen FAW Engine ( Dalian ) Co. , Ltd. , with Volkswagen Group and FAW Group as both of his shareholders , has been occupying a substantial position as a young man within the automobile component industry .

  18. 之前被认为在汽车电气化方面落后于其他公司的大众集团,本周在法兰克福推出了一款保时捷电动概念车,并表示至2020年大众集团将陆续推出20款新的插电式混合动力或全电动车型。

    Volkswagen , previously regarded as a laggard in vehicle electrification , said in Frankfurt this week that it would introduce 20 new plug-in hybrid or all-electric models by 2020 , and it introduced a battery-powered Porsche concept car .

  19. 不过,德国大众集团旗下的奥迪公司想要证明他们已经在这个领域领先了一步,于是邀请我去试驾一款据说具备了第三级自动驾驶技术的轿车(这些等级的定义见本文附注)。

    Nonetheless , Volkswagen Group-owned Audi was out to prove that it was ahead of the curve , and invited me to test drive a prototype sedan capable of level three autonomous technology ( see accompanying story for definitions of those levels ) .

  20. 不过,德国大众集团旗下的奥迪公司想要证明他们已经在这个领域领先了一步,于是邀请我去试驾一款据说具备了“第三级”自动驾驶技术的轿车(这些等级的定义见本文附注)。

    Nonetheless , Volkswagen Group-owned Audi was out to prove that it was ahead of the curve , and invited me to test drive a prototype sedan capable of " level three " autonomous technology ( see accompanying story for definitions of those levels ) .

  21. 就在2014年10月,大众汽车集团CEO海兹曼还声称,大众汽车正在为中国市场研发超过20款电动汽车。

    In fact , in October 2014 , Volkswagen 's CEO Jochem Heizmann announced the company was developing more than 20 electric vehicles for the Chinese market .

  22. 单纯从规模来说,丰田和通用正在受到来自大众汽车集团(VolkswagenAG)的挑战,大众汽车已设定了2018年成为全球第一的目标。

    In terms of pure size , Toyota and GM are being challenged by Volkswagen AG , which has set its goal to be No. 1 by 2018 .

  23. 不过,在通往世界第一的道路上,丰田还将与大众汽车集团(VolkwagenAG)狭路相逢&这个汽车巨头同样实力雄厚、荷包鼓鼓,还拥有一群雄心勃勃、意图夺取全球霸主地位的杰出工程师。

    But the road to No. 1 puts Toyota on a collision course with Volkwagen Ag & another strongly-financed behemoth staffed with brilliant engineers that has ambitions for global domination .

  24. 大众汽车集团旗下拥有奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)和保时捷(Porsche)等多个品牌,在利润方面处于业内领先地位,并且正力求成为世界上销量最高的汽车厂商。

    The Volkswagen Group , which owns brands such as Audi , Bentley and Porsche , leads the industry in profitability and is aggressively striving to become the top car manufacturer in the world in terms of sales .

  25. 该工具与汽车属于大众汽车集团(座位-奥迪-大众-斯柯达)。

    The tool works with cars belonging to VW Group ( SEAT-AUDI-VW-SKODA ) .

  26. 大众食品集团以人品做人,以本事做事,愿与社会各界共创美好未来。

    Conducting in moral quality , behaving in real ability , Dazhong Food Group wish pioneer beautiful future with social all trades .

  27. 必须有十年以上的制造经验,在德国大众汽车集团同类产品销售业绩10台以上且运行时间大于三年。

    Must have more than ten years of manufacturing experience , Volkswagen group in10 sets of similar products sales above and run time more than three years .

  28. 作为全球的大众汽车集团的坎普顿品牌的领先定制的企业制定了大众家族的小成员的思想范围。

    As the world 's leading customizer of brands of the Volkswagen Group , the Kempten-based enterprise developed a range of ideas for the small member of the VW family .

  29. 净利润9621亿日元,同比增长239.3%。。上季度营业利润同比增长111%,是大众汽车集团的2.2倍。

    Four year net profit of US $ 9.7 billion for the world 's largest automaker , that 's 3 times as much as Toyota made for the same period last year .

  30. 自从大众报业集团使用该系统采集发布新闻后,用户流量增长一倍,本地新闻被及时发布,使用户的关注度提高。

    Dazhong News Group since the acquisition press release using the system , the user traffic doubled , and local news to be released in time , the increased focus on the user .