
dà jiǎo yáng
  • bighorn
大角羊[dà jiǎo yáng]
  1. 在3月,公园迎来了一群内华达山脉大角羊,多年的拯救濒危物种计划之后,它们终于回到大教堂牧区(CathedralRange)。

    In March , the park welcomed a herd of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep back to its Cathedral Range after the conclusion of a multiyear project to repopulate the endangered species .

  2. 在山谷上方的山坡上,大角羊们准备进行一种古老的仪式。

    On mountainsides high above the valleys , bighorn sheep gear up for an age-old ritual .

  3. 捕捉一些啮齿动物、雀鸟和大角羊。

    Hunting small rodents and birds as well as mountain sheep .

  4. 多尔大角羊分布于从阿拉斯加到不列颠哥伦比亚一带。

    The Dall sheep range from Alaska to British Columbia .

  5. 黄石公园还是麋鹿、大角羊、灰熊和其他一些落基山脉动物生存的家园。

    The park is also home to elk , bighorn sheep , grizzly bears , and other Rocky Mountain fauna .

  6. 早上前往班夫镇搭乘缆车登上硫磺山,感受洛矶山脉磅礴的气势,偶尔还可在山顶上见到松鼠及大角羊的踪迹。

    In the morning , we will ride the gondola to the top of the Sulphur Mountain , to experience the immensity of the Rocky Mountains .

  7. 随便拿出任何一具这类恐龙的头骨化石,人们便不难理解为什么科学家们总是推想这就是一个用来冲撞的附件,好比大角羊那种风格的用头互抵。

    Look at any of their skulls and it 's easy to understand why scientists always surmised a singular , high-impact use for these appendages – headbutting , big-horn sheep style .

  8. 只在北美生长的大角羊对它们所携带的病毒没有免疫力,当它们与家羊接触时,结果可能是致命的。

    Big horns , which are only found in North America , have no immunity to the diseases they carry , and when they come into contact with domestic sheep , the outcome can be fatal .