
  • 网络greenhouse vegetables
  1. 大棚蔬菜根围AM真菌多样性研究初报

    A Preliminary Survey of Diversities of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Greenhouse Vegetables

  2. 大棚蔬菜种植者的职业安全卫生研究

    Occupational safety and health research on greenhouse vegetables growers

  3. 利用工业尾气进行大棚蔬菜CO2施肥技术体系研究

    Technique system of applying CO_2 from industrial exhaust gas to greenhouse vegetable

  4. 农业有机废弃物生物发酵产生CO2过程的pH调节以及增施CO2对大棚蔬菜生长的影响

    PH Regulation for CO_2 Evolution by Bio-degradation of Organic Wastes from Agriculture and Effects of CO_2 Enrichment on Vegetables Growth in Greenhouse

  5. 木霉(Trichodermaspp.)对三种引起大棚蔬菜病害病原菌的影响

    Effect of Trichoderma spp . on Three Pathogens Causing Vegetable Diseases in Greenhouse

  6. 研究结果表明:在露天农田土壤pH略有上升的基础上,南京市南郊大棚蔬菜地土壤的pH值比露天农田下降了约0.30~0.87,比第二次土壤普查时的露天蔬菜地下降了约0.12~0.52;

    The results showed that pH of the soil under plastic greenhouse reduced by 0.30 ~ 0.87 unit , compared to that of the soil in open vegetable fields .

  7. 另外,在大棚蔬菜生长过程中CO2亏缺、土壤退化、土传病害、植物产量和品质的下降等连作障碍问题已成为影响大棚蔬菜产量和品质提高的关键因素。

    Besides , the deficiency of CO2 , soil degradation , soil-borne diseases and continuous cropping obstacles have become the important factors affecting the quality and yield of the vegetables in the greenhouse .

  8. 大棚蔬菜施用CO2颗粒气肥,缓解了CO2亏缺的矛盾,提高了光合生产率,从而表现出高产、优质、高效的综合农艺效应。心排血量(CO);

    The application of granular CO 2 fertilizer on vegetables in sheds mitigates the contradiction of CO 2 deficiency , raises the photosynthesis productivity , and thus shows the comprehensive agronomic results of high yield , superior quality and high efficiency .

  9. 大棚蔬菜滴灌施肥技术的效应分析

    Effect analysis of the fertilizing technique for shed vegetables by dropping irrigation

  10. 温室大棚蔬菜生产中滴灌带灌溉应用效果分析

    Effect of Drip Tape Irrigation on Vegetable Production in Greenhouse

  11. 贵州塑料大棚蔬菜生产气候资源分析

    Analysis on climate resource for protective vegetable production in Guizhou

  12. 适合大棚蔬菜的农药评价筛选

    Assessment and Selection of Pesticides Fit for Plastic Shed Vegetables

  13. 上海市郊大棚蔬菜的农药使用调查

    Investigation of Pesticides Usage on Plastic Shed Vegetables in Shanghai

  14. 不同种植年限大棚蔬菜地土壤养分状况研究

    Nutrient variation in plastic greenhouse soil s with the years of cultivation

  15. 大棚蔬菜无土栽培固体基质筛选的研究

    Study on Screening Solid Matrices of Vegetable Soilless Culture in Plastics Film Shed

  16. 大棚蔬菜的农药残留量较高,超标率可达10%;

    Residue amount of pesticides exceeding by 10 % ;

  17. 大棚蔬菜无(少)农药栽培技术探讨

    Technical specifications of less or little pesticide contamination vegetable cultivation in plastic greenhouse

  18. 大棚蔬菜连作年限对土壤主要理化性状的影响

    Effect of Continuous Vegetable Cropping in Plastic Greenhouse on the Soil Physicochemical Properties

  19. 施硝酸盐肥料的土壤.施肥对大棚蔬菜地土壤水及地下水硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染的研究

    Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Nitrate and Nitrite Contamination in the Soil Water and Groundwater

  20. 5%强力百菌清烟剂防治大棚蔬菜灰霉病药效试验

    Efficacy and Effects of 5 % Chlorothalonil on Grey Mold Control in Greenhouse Vegetables

  21. 农药在大棚蔬菜上的残留消解

    Residue Degradation of Pesticide on Plastic Shed Vegetables

  22. 大棚蔬菜的硝酸盐含量远高于露天蔬菜,降低蔬菜硝酸盐的含量对提高蔬菜品质、保证人类健康有重大意义。

    Nitrate content of greenhouse vegetables is much higher than that in the field .

  23. 大棚蔬菜施用二氧化碳颗粒气肥农艺效应分析

    Vegetables in Sheds : Analysis of Agronomic Results from Application of Granular Carbon Dioxide Fertilizer

  24. 廊坊市大棚蔬菜施肥现状及养分平衡研究

    Study on the Status of Vegetable Fertilization in Greenhouse and Their Nutrient Balances of Langfang

  25. 大棚蔬菜土壤次生盐渍化无害化综防技术研究

    Control of Secondary Salinization of Greenhouse Soil

  26. 近年来,我国大棚蔬菜生产得到快速发展。

    Greenhouse production of vegetables has been developed rapidly in China during the past decades .

  27. 大棚蔬菜土壤盐渍化治理技术研究

    Study on the Method to Control Soil Salinization for Vegetables Culturing in Plastic Green House

  28. 大棚蔬菜病虫害烟剂防治技术研究

    Study on Control Technology of Vegetable Diseases and Pests in Plastic Film Greenhouses by Smoking Agents

  29. 毒死蜱作为高效、广谱的有机磷杀虫、杀螨剂,在我国大棚蔬菜栽培中广泛使用,蔬菜和土壤受到一定程度污染。

    Chlorpyrifos is a broad spectrum organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide widely used for insect pest control on greenhouse vegetables .

  30. 调查分析了冬小麦夏玉米轮作、棉花、果园、大田蔬菜和大棚蔬菜等不同土地利用方式对土壤质量性状的影响。

    The objective of the research was to analyze the effects of different land use on soil quality factors .