
  • 网络Titan Cup;World Cup
  1. 英格兰对必须赢得这场比赛才能确保其能夺得大力神杯!

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the world cup .

  2. 然而结果却丝毫未改变&荷兰队还要继续苦苦等待首个大力神杯。

    The outcome was the same & the Netherlands is still waiting for its first World Cup .

  3. 球王贝利(Pelé)有一个著名预测:在20世纪结束前,会有一支非洲球队捧起大力神杯。这个预言未能成真。

    Pel é 's famous prediction that an African team would lift the World Cup by the end of the last century failed to come true .

  4. 我总是抑制住捧起大力神杯的幻想。

    I always suppressed the fantasy of holding the WC Cup .

  5. 意大利一雪前耻,战胜法国队,捧起大力神杯。

    Redemption for Italy which defeats France in the final to win soccer 's World Cup .

  6. 新近的大力神杯获得者是德国,2014年世界杯冠军。

    The current holder of the trophy is Germany , winner of the 2014 World Cup .

  7. 在柏林,德国队球员手棒大力神杯向成千上万欢欣鼓舞的球迷们致意。

    Germany 's footballers have paraded the World Cup trophy to hundreds of thousands of jubilant supporters in Berlin .

  8. 大力神杯使用18克拉纯金打造、底座上配有孔雀石,形为两人托举起地球。

    Made of18 carat gold with a malachite base , it depicts two human figures holding up the Earth .

  9. 马拉多纳被许多球迷奉为史上最伟大的足球运动员,因为他在1986年几乎凭借一己之力帮助阿根廷捧起大力神杯。

    Maradona is regarded by many as the greatest footballer ever , and single-handedly helped Argentina win the World Cup in1986 .

  10. B:这是当然了,相信意大利和法国都会派最好的球员去赢得大力神杯的。

    B : Absolutely , I believe Italy and France are going to send their best players to win the World Cup .

  11. 我甚至没有考虑过如何才能取胜,但是我坚信我们将夺得大力神杯。

    I haven 't even thought about how we 'll get there , but I 'm convinced we 're going to win it .

  12. 在比赛当中,几名球迷手捧仿制的大力神杯,在球场周围走动。

    During the match , a couple of fans walked around the stadium with two giant gold replicas of the World Cup trophy .

  13. 四年前,拉莫斯高举大力神杯庆祝胜利,然而本届世界杯,西班牙人只能远远地看着。

    Sergio Ramos and Spain lifted the World Cup four years ago , but won 't be around to sniff it this time .

  14. 尽管决赛有可能在巴西队和德国队之间展开,但模型无法预测出谁将捧起大力神杯。

    Though a final between the two seems likely , the models were unable to predict which of the teams would lift the trophy .

  15. 英格兰队上一次捧走大力神杯还是在1966年。当年,披头士乐队的专辑《黄色潜水艇》横扫各音乐排行榜,英国的当政首相还是哈罗德威尔逊。

    England last won football 's biggest prize in 1966 when the Beatles topped the charts with Yellow Submarine and Harold Wilson was Prime Minister .

  16. 一项新的调查显示,超过半数巴西人和西班牙人希望自己国家的球队能在7月份举起大力神杯。

    More than half of Brazilians and half of people in Spain expect their teams to lift the World Cup next month , a new survey has revealed .

  17. 史蒂芬·杰拉德承认自己曾梦见过手举大力神杯,而且这位英格兰队队长也坚信,在卡佩罗的领导下球队已经做好了准备,可以迎来一场成功的世界杯比赛。

    Steven Gerrard admits he has dreamed of lifting the World Cup trophy and the England skipper insists Fabio Capello 's side are perfectly prepared for the big kick-off .

  18. “能够获得大力神杯当然很不错,但这并不能使我们忘记本赛季利物浦的糟糕,”雷纳面对利物浦周刊时表示。

    " It would be great to win the World Cup , but it definitely wouldn 't make up for this season with Liverpool ," Reina told LFC Weekly .

  19. 以巴西队目前的比赛状况来看,五冠王很有可能在7月11日的总决赛中重新捧起大力神杯。

    Based on the way the Brazilians are playing now , the five-time World Cup champions could very well reclaim the real trophy on July 11 , when the final is held .

  20. 而西班牙队也是在半决赛中凭借着一个角球淘汰了状态极佳的德国队,从而为取得大力神杯奠定了基础。

    The Spanish team is also in the semi-finals by virtue of an excellent corner kick out of the state of the German team , which made the trophy for the foundation .

  21. 门将布冯在20年的职业生涯中代表意大利国家队参加了175场比赛,并在2006年捧起大力神杯。布冯相信,四届世界杯得主意大利队前景依然光明。

    Goalkeeper Buffon made 175 appearances for his country in a 20-year career - lifting the World Cup in 2006 - and believes the future could still be bright for the four-time world champions .

  22. 在被问及最不希望哪个国家捧起大力神杯时,葡萄牙人、西班牙人、希腊人、荷兰人和英格兰人全都把德国列为最不希望的两个国家之一。

    Asked which country they least wanted to see lift the World Cup , the Portuguese , Spanish , Greeks , Dutch and English all named Germany in their top two least favourite nations .

  23. 自1930年世界杯问世以来,一共用过两个奖杯:1930年到1970年的雷米特杯和1974年至今的国际足联世界杯奖杯(即大力神杯)。

    Since the advent of the World Cup in 1930 , two trophies have been used : the Jules Rimet Trophy from 1930 to 1970 , and the FIFA World Cup Trophy from 1974 to the present-day .

  24. 在这两者之间,德国队的夺冠呼声略高于巴西队,23%的调查对象预测世界杯冠军是德国队,而21%的调查对象认为,巴西将自2002年以来首次捧起大力神杯。

    Between those two Germany has the slightest of edges on Brazil , with 23 percent of all those polled predicting World Cup joy for Germany , while 21 percent think Brazil will lift the trophy for the first time since 2002 .

  25. 几乎近半数阿根廷人期待阿根廷队在2018年世界杯走得更远,赢下自1986年以来阿根廷的首个世界杯冠军。而超过40%的德国人期望德国队能如2014年一样夺冠,在俄罗斯拿下第五座大力神杯,追平世界纪录。

    Almost half of Argentinians are expecting Argentina to go one step further in 2018 and win their first World Cup since 1986 , while more than two in five Germans expect Germany to follow up on their 2014 win with a record-equaling fifth title in Russia .