
xīng fèn jì
  • dope;stimulant;agonist;excitant;stimulant drug;tonic;upper;analeptic;provocative
兴奋剂 [xīng fèn jì]
  • (1) [stimulant;analeptic;excitant;stimulant drug]∶通过直接作用(如兴奋作用)或间接作用(消除抑制性影响)能引起组织(如中枢神经系统)机能活动暂时增加的药剂

  • (2) [provocative]∶刺激的事物

兴奋剂[xīng fèn jì]
  1. 体育运动中使用兴奋剂的危害

    The Damage of Taking Analeptic in Sports Activities The Badness of The Stimulant to the athletes

  2. 这名赛跑选手涉嫌有意逃避兴奋剂检验。

    There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing

  3. 咖啡因是兴奋剂,这是人所共知的事实。

    It is a well-known fact that caffeine is a stimulant .

  4. 这次的兴奋剂丑闻又给奥林匹克运动会抹了黑。

    This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics .

  5. 她那时在服用兴奋剂和抑制剂。

    She was taking uppers and downers at the time .

  6. 我吃了几片兴奋剂。

    I 'd taken a handful of uppers .

  7. 这封鼓舞人心的信,宛如一服兴奋剂。

    The encouraging letter was like a shot in the arm .

  8. 由于它有兴奋剂的特性而被应用于医学。

    It is used in medicine for its stimulant quality .

  9. 麝香被用作香料和兴奋剂。

    Musk is used for perfumes and stimulant .

  10. 一个人晕过去之后,阿摩尼亚可用作兴奋剂。

    Ammonia is used as a restorative when a person has fainted .

  11. 人们发现那位骑手让马服用兴奋剂,因而取消其比赛资格一年以示惩罚。

    The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs , and was warned off for a year .

  12. 引诱剂,排斥剂还是其他的兴奋剂都是嗅觉物质,但刺激剂和阻抑剂常常是味觉物质。

    Whereas attractants , repellents , and other incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants , and deterrents are usually gustatory .

  13. 博士滴了几滴强烈的兴奋剂,使这个没有知觉的身躯复活了几分钟。

    By means of a few drops of strong cordial , the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes .

  14. 它们还含有心脏兴奋剂成分。

    They also have heart stimulants .

  15. 在西非,人们咀嚼可乐果来作为兴奋剂已有较长的历史了,因为这些果实中含有咖啡因,在茶叶、咖啡和巧克力中也存在咖啡因。

    In West Africa , people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants , because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea , coffee , and chocolate .

  16. 麝香可以用作香料和兴奋剂。

    Musk is used for perfume and stimulant .

  17. 这是一种兴奋剂。

    This is a drug for stimulating nerves .

  18. 世界反兴奋剂机构称,应禁止俄罗斯参加本届夏奥会和残奥会。有证据显示,俄罗斯官方支持了长达四年的兴奋剂使用。

    Russia should be banned from this summer 's Olympics and Paralympics after evidence was found of a four-year , state-sponsored doping programme , says the World Anti-Doping Agency .

  19. 使用兴奋剂入刑修正案规定,引诱、教唆、欺骗运动员使用兴奋剂参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛,或者明知运动员参加上述竞赛而向其提供兴奋剂,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处罚金。

    It stipulates that anyone who lures or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years ' imprisonment and a fine .

  20. 国际奥委会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)说,迄今为止只发生了五起兴奋剂丑闻。

    The International Olympic Committee says there have been five doping cases so far .

  21. 苯丙胺类兴奋剂(ATS)娱乐性使用的不良后果调查

    Negative Consequence of Recreational Use of Amphetamine-type Stimulants

  22. 以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。国产丁丙诺啡的药物依赖性特性

    ATS and related club drugs had strong psychic dependence-producing potential . THE DEPENDENCE - PRODUCING PROPERTIES OF BUPRENORPHINE

  23. 兴奋剂生长激素的MALDI-TOF质谱研究

    Analysis of Doping Growth Hormone by MALDI-TOF MS

  24. 用GC-MS(EI)建立一个快速、高灵敏度测定动物组织中β-兴奋剂的新方法。

    A simple and sensitive method based on GC-MS ( EI ) is introduced for the determination of β - agonists in animal tissue .

  25. UCI也可以拒绝承认美国反兴奋剂机构的制裁,不过UCI并没有这样做的先例。

    The UCI could also refuse to acknowledge USADA 's sanctions , though that would be unprecedented .

  26. 促红细胞生成素(EPO)是一种临床上广泛应用的重要药物,也是近年来兴奋剂检测的热点。

    Erythropoietin is an important medicament in clinical treatment . It has also been a hotspot in doping control area in recent years .

  27. BBC新闻–俄罗斯可能面临全面奥运禁赛,如果2014年索契冬奥会国家支持服用兴奋剂的指控周一得到证实的话。

    BBC News - Russia could face a complete Olympic ban if allegations of state-sponsored doping at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are proven on Monday .

  28. 他还给他开了两种人造兴奋剂,Coramine和Cardiazol。

    Morell also gave him two artificial stimulants , Coramine and Cardiazol .

  29. 所有运动员都需要在ADAMS系统中每天输入时间和地点,以便兴奋剂检测人员能够开展赛外例行体检测试。

    All athletes have to enter their details into ADAMS and register a time and location each day when and where they can be reached by doping testers in case of an out-of-competition test .

  30. 目的观察比较慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并中度肺性脑病患者常规综合治疗基础上分别合用呼吸兴奋剂、无创BiPAP通气治疗、有创通气治疗三种治疗措施的疗效分析。

    Objective To examine the effect of BiPAP noninvasive ventilation and respiratory stimulant drug and invasive mechanical ventilation on patients with moderate pulmonary cerebral disease .