
  • 网络xinglong tropical botanical garden;Xinglong Tropical Garden
  1. 兴隆热带植物园的建设

    The Development of the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden

  2. 针对当前我国农业科技园的现状,总结兴隆热带植物园管理创新做法与成效。

    Aiming at the existing situation of agrotechnology garden 's development in china , sum up its practices and achievements of management innovation in Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden was sum up .

  3. 兴隆热带植物园果树资源的收集与保存

    The Collection and Conservation of Fruit Tree Resources in the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden

  4. 针对热带地区农业经济发展现状,提出兴隆热带植物园示范项目的设立思路和内容,并总结其运行成效。

    Aiming at the existing situation of tropical agricultural economy development , The thinking and design content of establishing an demonstration project in Xinglong tropical botanical garden were put forward , it 's moving achievements were summarized .