
xìnɡ qù xiáo zǔ
  • interest group
  1. 在同一年,HL7开始通过它的SGML/XML特别兴趣小组积极研究XML。

    In that same year , HL7 began actively working with XML through its SGML / XML special interest group .

  2. NF-RUG的典型议程从欢迎新成员开始,然后转入单独的特别兴趣小组(specialinterestgroup,SIG)讨论。

    NF-RUG meetings typically begin with a welcome to new members , then break into individual special interest group ( SIG ) discussions .

  3. 通信技术迅速发展,为了更好地满足所有移动计算机和通讯设备的通讯需要,蓝牙特别兴趣小组(SIG)提出了一个新的概念&蓝牙个人区域网(PersonalAreaNetworking)。

    As swift development of communication technology , in order to meet the needs of the communication between mobile computers and communication devices , SIG has drawn up a new concept : PAN ( Personal Area Networking ) .

  4. P-REX通过联合各个共同兴趣小组来实现它的多学科综合研究项目。

    The P-REX partners with like-minded groups to implement its multidisciplinary research program .

  5. 我需要找一个喜欢的课外兴趣小组。

    I need something to make me a class favorite .

  6. 毕竟,我成立了一个儿童文学读书兴趣小组;

    After all , I started a children 's literature reading group ;

  7. 他的一位同班同学现在在阅读兴趣小组。

    A classmates of his is in the reading hobby group now .

  8. 高校推行学习兴趣小组导师制的探讨

    Discussion on Tutorial System for Study Interesting Groups of Universities and Colleges

  9. 我的课余活动包括参加数学兴趣小组和戏剧社。

    My extracurricular activities include the Math and Drama Clubs .

  10. 东吴镇中心小学美术兴趣小组小朋友合影2003。

    Soochow town center primary art interest group took the children in2003 .

  11. 开展微生物学兴趣小组活动提高综合素质教育

    An interest group activity in microbiology A way to improve comprehensive quality education

  12. 你现在是阅读兴趣小组的一员吗?

    You a member of the reading club ?

  13. 组织学校兴趣小组的活动。

    And we can organizetheinterest group in school .

  14. 我建议我们来成立一个业余兴趣小组。

    I suggest that we ( should ) form a spare time study group .

  15. 在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室。

    Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms .

  16. 我是阅读兴趣小组的成员。

    I 'm in the Reading Club .

  17. 一起参加我们的兴趣小组等等等等。

    You can also participate our activities at spare time and participate our interest groups etc.

  18. 我很喜欢游戏和兴趣小组。

    I love games and hobby groups .

  19. 我们可以参加兴趣小组。

    We can join hobby clubs .

  20. 为了响应烁姐的积极号召特此建立视频专区兴趣小组。

    In response to the active call sister Shuo video zone is hereby established interest groups .

  21. 兴趣小组是开放教育环境下素质教育的有效形式。

    Interest group is an effective form of quality education in the environment of open education .

  22. 并且,系统可以通过兴趣小组的方式,结合用户的兴趣模型,实现用户之间的信息共享。

    The system can also help the people to share the information with users of Interest Group .

  23. 专供组织内部结构及跨部门的各个特别兴趣小组彼此交流和讨论之用。

    Connections – for active interactions and discussion by special interest groups across organizational structure and departmental lines .

  24. 我上小学的时候,在一个英语兴趣小组学习过一段时间。

    When I was an elementary school student , I studied English in a group for a short time .

  25. 利用数学建模兴趣小组培养学生数学应用能力的实践研究

    Practice Research on Senior School Students ' Application Capability Training in Mathematics Through Establishing the Mathematical Modeling Interest Group

  26. 教会不是一个俱乐部、同乡会,也不是一个兴趣小组。

    It was and is not a social club , a village or ethnic group or an interest group .

  27. 就兴趣小组职权范围内的事宜,向法援局建议有关改善的方法及途径;

    To make recommendations to Council on ways and means to improve the subject under the purview of the interest group ;

  28. 读书节、体育节、合唱节,兴趣小组活动,让每一个生活在易三的孩子都快乐并收获着。

    Reading festival , sports festival , chorus festival and interest group activities make each student in our school learn a lot happily .

  29. 过往小组为南朗医院的病人举办日常兴趣小组和节庆活动。

    In the past years , the Unit had organized daily interest programs and festival functions for the in-patients of Nam Long Hospital .

  30. 成立学生课外科研兴趣小组,吸收部分优秀学生参加教师的科研课题,可以极大地培养学生动手能力和一定的科研能力;

    Established student extracurricular research interesting groups , absorbed some excellent students into teachers ' research projects , may train practical capacity and research capacity .