
  • 网络hindenburg;von Hindenburg;Paul von Hindenburg;Hindenberg
  1. 战略思想对了头,兴登堡防线就准攻破啦。

    With the proper concepts the Hindenburg line may be breached .

  2. 德国陆军务虚的兴登堡线。

    German Army retreats to the Hindenburg Line .

  3. 当时,兴登堡号上有100人,35人遇难。

    Of the 100 people on board that day , 35 died .

  4. 兴登堡凶兆受到如此热捧,时值市场不确定性越来越大,预测各异。

    The Hindenburg following comes amid growing uncertainty in the markets and widely disparate forecasts .

  5. 齐柏林飞艇一直被认为是航空运输的未来,直到1937年发生了兴登堡的悲剧。

    Until the Hindenburg tragedy of 1937 , zeppelins were considered the future of air transport .

  6. 拜“兴登堡号空难”所赐,早年间利用氢气气囊作为动力飞行的齐柏林飞艇如今成为了“坠毁悲剧”的代名词。

    Thanks in part to the Hindenburg , the early , hydrogen-filled Zeppelins are now synonymous with flaming tragedy .

  7. 宇航员在登陆月球照的照片和兴登堡号坠毁的录音磁带都已经被找回。

    The photos taken by astronauts during the Moon landing have been recovered , as have the audio tapes from the Hindenburg crash .

  8. 华尔街交易员持怀疑态度,因为自米耶卡1995年发明以来,“兴登堡凶兆”被触发而股市并未出现重大下跌行情的情况屡见不鲜。

    Wall Street traders are skeptical , considering that the indicator has been triggered many times since Miekka devised it in1995 without an ensuing major market selloff .

  9. 然而,在2013年,一个专家团队排除了其他可能的原因,认为兴登堡号爆炸的原因是由于大雷雨所产生的静电所致。

    However , in 2013 , a team of experts ruled out the other theories and determined that the Hindenburg had become charged with static electricity from a thunderstorm .

  10. 首当其冲的就是兴登堡号气囊中的氢气——一种极易燃的气体,而非更安全的替代品氦气。

    A few things . First and foremost , the Hindenburg was filled with hydrogen , a highly flammable gas , instead of a less-combustible alternative such as helium .

  11. 1937年5月,正是在这个运动场上,他们目睹了兴登堡号的大火映红了地平线。

    On the playing-fields of Princeton , from which in May 1937 they watched the flames of the Hindenburg illuminate the horizon , the new men rehearsed an Anglo-American alliance .

  12. 而且其奢华程度也极为少见——兴登堡号甚至同时配备有为它特别设计的轻小型钢琴和吸烟室。

    It was just as luxurious as it was enormous -- it even had a specially designed lightweight baby grand piano on board , and , paradoxically , a smoking lounge .

  13. 70年代他执导了此类影片如《天外来茵》、《兴登堡遇难记》和恐怖片《魔缘》以及第一部星际旅行电影《星际迷航记》。

    In the1970s he directed such films as The Andromeda Strain , The Hindenburg , the horror film Audrey Rose , and the first Star Trek film , Star Trek : The Motion Picture .

  14. 1937年5月,兴登堡号在降落新泽西州莱克赫斯特海军航空站的过程中着火,短短37秒就被彻底焚毁,造成机上共97名乘客及机组人员中36人遇难。

    In May 1937 , during its attempt to dock , the luxury liner burst into flames above Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey . In 37 seconds the Hindenburg was destroyed by fire ; 36 of the 97 passengers and crew died .

  15. 兴登堡号是一艘充满氢气的飞艇。在当时,它穿过大西洋所需的时间只是普通轮船的一半。然而,1937年5月,正当兴登堡号准备在新泽西的莱克赫斯特海军航空总站着陆时,发生了爆炸。

    The promise of the Hindenburg , a hydrogen-filled airship that could cross the Atlantic in half the time of a ship at sea , exploded along with the craft itself as it prepared to land in Lakehurst , New Jersey in May 1937 .