
yǎ jù
  • mime;pantomime;dumb show;panto;mummery
哑剧 [yǎ jù]
  • [pantomime;mummery;dumb show] 不用对话或歌唱而只以动作和表情表达剧情的戏剧

哑剧[yǎ jù]
  1. 那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。

    The dumb show was a scream .

  2. 卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。

    Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat .

  3. 演出包括舞蹈、音乐和哑剧。

    The performance consisted of dance , music and mime .

  4. 每一名参加者都得用哑剧动作表现出一部电影、戏剧或一本书的标题。

    Each player has to mime the title of a movie , play or book .

  5. 她表演了一小段哑剧。

    She performed a brief mime .

  6. 我记得曾经让她用哑剧动作表演早上起床的情景。

    I remember asking her to mime getting up in the morning .

  7. 在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧残留下来的痕迹。

    Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime .

  8. 音乐、哑剧动作和强烈的视觉影像在表演中产生了强烈的效果。

    Music , mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions

  9. 学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。

    Pupils presented a mime and puppet show .

  10. 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。

    It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework

  11. 几位法国哑剧表演艺术家将在今天下午做几场讲座。

    Several French mime artists will give some lectures this afternoon .

  12. 这些学生正在用哑剧形式表演吃苹果

    The acting students mimed eating an apple .

  13. 我们采用了类似的模式与第一家庭娱乐(FirstFamilyEntertainment,一家哑剧制作公司)和JamieLloydProductions的合作,为TrafalgarTransformed注入创意活力。

    We used a similar model with First Family Entertainment , a pantomime production company , and with Jamie Lloyd Productions to inject creative dynamism into Trafalgar Transformed .

  14. 巴黎夜店的老板本杰明•帕图在接受记者采访时称,这位“女伴”已经答应参加本周五晚间在市区里格洛博舞厅举办的派对,届时宾客将戴上仿照贝卢斯科尼制作的哑剧面具,以及AC米兰球队队员的彩带。

    Paris nightclub impresario Benjamin Patou told the reporters the escort had agreed to attend a party at the downtown Le Globo dancehall late Friday , where guests will wear Berlusconi pantomime masks and staff AC Milan strips .

  15. 他的哑剧表演非常有效地把Ente的意思表达了出来,与此同时,这种身体语言带来了神奇的打破坚冰般的效果,就餐气氛活跃多了。

    His pantomime conveyed the meaning of Ente very effectively , but at the same time it had a magical ice-breaking effect and made the eating environment much livelier .

  16. 和他一起长大,我学会了哑剧。

    From growing up with him , I learned the pantomime .

  17. 一对舞台姐妹穿着戏服演了一出哑剧。

    A pair of stage sisters did a pantomime in costume .

  18. 就是在海豚仓猜哑剧字谜后那第一个夜晚。

    The first night after the charades . dolphin 's barn .

  19. 但是我们用“哑剧”这个单词指一种特别的表演。

    But we use the word'pantomime'for a different kind of show .

  20. 那个在哑剧中扮演灰姑娘的女孩真是百里挑一。

    The girl playing Cinderella in the pantomime was a real humdinger .

  21. 每次上菜之前会有专业演员以哑剧的形式揭晓菜名。

    Each dish is announced by a mime artist before serving to table .

  22. 这就涵盖了玩喷火把戏者、变戏法者、说书人、哑剧艺术者和舞者的各类人群。

    This includes fire-breathers , jugglers , storytellers , mime artists and dancers .

  23. 给他打电话,跟他说我想当哑剧演员。

    Just call him and tell him I want to be a mime .

  24. 律师代表他的当事人。最著名的哑剧表演大师

    A solicitor acts for his clients . the most famous exponent of mime

  25. 观众被这哑剧逗得哈哈大笑。

    The audience roared with laughter at the pantomime .

  26. 一场饶有趣味的哑剧,正在她面前演出。

    A most amusing pantomime was acted before her .

  27. 他虽然很丑但却是个可爱的哑剧演员。

    He is very ugly but a lovely mummer .

  28. 当我表演哑剧时我很高兴。

    I 'm very happy when I perform pantomime .

  29. 艾拉多掌管抒情诗歌和笑剧、哑剧的女神。

    The Muse of lyric poetry and mime .

  30. 马塞尔马索是一位著名的哑剧表演艺术家。

    Marcel Marceau was a famous mime artist .