
bǎi huò shāng diàn
  • department store;general store;Nordstrom
百货商店 [bǎi huò shāng diàn]
  • [department store] 经营各种商品的商店,同时,为了推销、服务、记帐和管理,下分设若干部门

  1. 十字路口的那家百货商店是这个城市最大的一家。

    The department store at the four corners is the largest one in the city .

  2. 那家百货商店在卖降价货。

    The department store is having a bargain sale .

  3. 他打了辆出租车去哈罗德百货商店。

    He caught a taxi to Harrods .

  4. 为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店。

    A new general store has been built for the convenience of the residents .

  5. 要去百货商店,请向北走两个街区,再向左转。

    To reach the Department store , walk two blocks north and then turn left .

  6. 在这里建个百货商店,地点倒合适。

    This would be a suitable site ( or a good location ) for a new Department store .

  7. 不过,在一家百货商店,她遇到了一位很特别的圣诞老人:他相信自己就是真的圣诞老人。苏珊因此获得了最珍贵的礼物。

    But after meeting a special department store Santa who 's convinced he 's the real thing , Susan is given the most precious gift of all .

  8. 在新规之下,百货商店等大型商业设施以及提供酒精饮料的餐厅、酒吧和K歌厅将会关门。不提供酒精饮料的餐厅必须提早关门,公司必须安排员工远程办公。

    Under the rules , major commercial facilities like department stores will close , as well as restaurants , bars , and karaoke parlours serving alcohol . Restaurants that do not serve alcohol are being told to close early , and companies are being asked to make arrangements for people to work remotely .

  9. 在电影院和百货商店之间你将看到一家CD店。

    You will see a CD store between the cinema and the department store .

  10. 帕特森研究了高档百货商店里最畅销的男士内衣,分析其用料与设计,随后发现了超细莫代尔(micromodal)的优点。

    After researching fabrics and designs of the bestselling undershirts at high-end department stores , Patterson came across micro modal .

  11. 她是该国最大的奢侈品进口商之一NotosCom旗下百货商店部门的首席执行官。不过,希腊人对本国政界非常怀疑,不相信他们有能力降服工会和卡特尔,并实现承诺。

    But Greeks deeply doubt the ability of their politicians to face down the unions and cartels and deliver .

  12. ICAAB有5个不同的概念:百货商店,超级市场,超市,便利店和折扣店。

    ICA AB has5 different store concepts : Hypermarkets , Supermarkets , Superstores , Convenient stores and Discount stores .

  13. 一家中国企业集团正在洽谈以超过4.5亿英镑价格收购英国百货商店集团HouseofFraser的事宜。该中国集团的老板是一位富裕的零售业企业家。

    A Chinese conglomerate controlled by a wealthy retail entrepreneur is in talks to buy House of Fraser for more than £ 450m .

  14. 有些人可能会告诉你,下城区是各大画廊云集之处,而且这个金融行政区(FinancialDistrict)有着某种锐气与活力,不同于上城区那些光鲜亮丽的公园、博物馆和时尚的百货商店。

    Someone might tell you that Downtown , home to galleries and the Financial District has a certain edge and energy , compared to the polish of Uptown 's parks , museums and posh department stores .

  15. 介绍了碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)加固技术在南京新街口百货商店改造工程中的应用及其工程简便计算方法。

    The application and simple calculating methods of the technology of CFRP are described in the reconstruction engineering of Xinjiekou shop in Nanjing .

  16. 德维斯特说,他的Tivoli收音机后来在全球售出超过1000万台,通常是在约翰.刘易斯(JohnLewis,英国百货商店——译者注)这类较高档的商店。

    Mr DeVesto says his Tivoli radios went on to sell more than 10m units globally , usually in the nicer , John Lewis-type stores .

  17. 为此,他减少了欧洲分销商的数量,并关注于经营lamartina旗舰店,而不是进驻百货商店。

    So he reduced the number of European distributors and has focused on flagship La Martina shops rather than department stores .

  18. 记得那时候,我会打起精神,定期去harveynichols百货商店补充衣物库存。

    Back then , I would brace myself for a periodic visit to Harvey Nichols to replenish stock .

  19. 最近走访旧金山几家百货商店发现:零售商为顾客提供WiFi的形式有很大的差异。

    A recent visit to several San Francisco Department Stores showed a wide disparity in how retailers market Wi-Fi to shoppers .

  20. Zippo称,这个系列的服饰将在UrbanOutfitters这类零售店和Glik旗下的百货商店售卖。

    Zippo says the clothes will be available through such retailers as Urban Outfitters Inc. and Glik Co. 's department stores .

  21. 例如,她投资的百货商店金鹰(goldeneagle)去年业绩强劲,让她从投资中获利,在今年年初消费类股表现不佳时,她增持了该公司股票。

    She took profits in department store Golden Eagle after strong performance last year , for example , then increased the holding when consumer stocks underperformed at the beginning of the year .

  22. 你可以一路经过克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)、普拉达(Prada)、拉尔夫·劳伦(RalphLauren)等精品店,去看看这座城市最著名的百货商店之一——纽约巴尼斯百货公司(Barney’sNewYork)。

    Stroll past the boutiques of Christian Louboutin , Prada , Ralph Lauren and visit one of the most famous department stores in the city : Barney 's New York .

  23. Harrods百货商店,而且是很多来英国旅游的游客们必到的地方。

    Helen : And today we are visiting one of the best known department stores in the UK , Harrods .

  24. 另一家全球性基金德州太平洋集团(TPG),正在准备旗下连锁百货商店Myer价值20亿美元的澳大利亚上市。

    TPG , another global fund , is preparing a $ 2bn Australian listing of its Myer department store chain .

  25. PlanetModulor是一间跨越数个楼层的“创意百货商店”,内有书店、咖啡厅和3D打印工作室,能将你的图纸转化为栩栩如生的实物模型。

    Planet Modulor , a multistory " creative department store , " includes a bookstore , a cafe and a 3-D printing studio that will transform your snapshot into a photorealistic sculpture .

  26. 百货商店习惯于在店内配备餐厅和咖啡厅,同时也配备borders等高档商店和colette等流行小店。

    Department stores are used to including restaurants and cafes in their premises , along with some other high street stores such as borders and boutiques such as Colette .

  27. (我对此有些怀疑,但百货商店先驱J•J•森宝利(J.J.Sainsbury)在临终前或许喃喃地表示:让商店灯火通明。)塞尔弗里奇引入了改良后的牙刷,和四分之一缩尺的衬衫。

    ( I am a bit sceptical about this , though the pioneering grocer J.J. Sainsbury is supposed to have died mouthing : Keep the shops well lit . ) Selfridge brought in improved toothbrushes , and shirts in quarter-sizes .

  28. 奢华美容产品的销售额较高,这些产品通常在百货商店和丝芙兰、MAC或资生堂等美容产品专卖店出售,反映了美国经济复苏仅限于最高端的消费者。

    The higher sales of luxury beauty products that are typically sold at a department store or stand-alone beauty stores such as Sephora , MAC , or Shiseido reflect the economic recovery that 's confined to the upper echelon of consumers .

  29. 由于护肤品市场竞争日趋激烈,SPA与百货商店、名牌与大众消费品之间你争我夺,精明的消费者享受免费皮肤清洁和养护的机会比以往任何时候都多。

    Thanks to an increasingly competitive skincare market that 's pitting spas against department stores and prestige brands against mass marketers , savvy shoppers have more opportunities than ever to get their skin cleansed and pampered for free .

  30. 1907年,他来到伦敦,并很快意识到,老式百货商店(例如Harrods)可以进行一些改革。

    So he moved to London in 1907 and quickly perceived that the old-established shops ( such as Harrods ) could do with a little shake-up .