
  • One Hundred years of Solitude;CIEN ANOS DE SOLEDAD
  1. 据杰拉尔德·马丁(GeraldMartin)2009年的传记,马尔克斯销毁了《百年孤独》的每天工作笔记和人物家谱图。

    He destroyed his daily working notes and family trees for " One Hundred Years of Solitude , " according to Gerald Martin 's 2009 biography .

  2. 《百年孤独》的双重文本与圣经隐喻

    The double versions of one hundred years of solitude & Bible metaphors

  3. 预言与回忆&墨尔基阿德斯之于《百年孤独》探析

    Prophets and recollections & Moors Archimedes and One Hundred Years of Solitude

  4. 论《百年孤独》的魔幻现实性

    On the magical realism of A Hundred of Loneliness

  5. 《百年孤独》的史诗气质

    Epic Qualities of One Hundred Years of Solitude

  6. 《红楼梦》与魔幻现实主义&《红楼梦》与《百年孤独》比较

    A Dream of Red Mansions and Magic Realism

  7. 虚实相映,虚实相生是《百年孤独》与《红楼梦》两部小说共同的审美特质。

    Fictitious and realistic comparison is the same aesthetic feature of the two works .

  8. 《百年孤独》是小说艺术的杰作。

    One Hundred Years of Solitude is a masterpiece of the art of fiction .

  9. 试论《百年孤独》对拉美文化身份的重建

    ON the Reconstruction of Latin American Cultural Identity by One Hundred Years of Solitude

  10. 《百年孤独》:当代语境下拉丁美洲式的文化读解

    Centennial Solitary : Culture Interpretation Concerning Latin America

  11. 《百年孤独》:魔幻与想象外衣下的现实表征

    Hundred Years of Solitude : The Reality Characterization under the Guise of Magic and Imagination

  12. 《百年孤独》有历史和宗教两个文本。

    " One Hundred Years of Solitude " has two texts , historical and religious .

  13. 爱情、死亡、孤独之关联&浅析《百年孤独》

    Love , Death and Solitude & Preliminary discussion on One Hundred Years of Solitude ;

  14. 魔幻与现实的完美结合&马尔克斯《百年孤独》解读

    Perfect Union of Magic and Reality

  15. 记得还有《百年孤独》。

    One Hundred Years of Solitude .

  16. 文章主要用三部分来论述魔幻与想象在《百年孤独》中的运用。

    Three chapters elaborate the use of magic and imagination in One Hundred Years of Solitude .

  17. 陈忠实的长篇小说《白鹿原》在对“民族秘史”的认识与表现上存在着与《百年孤独》的趋同现象;

    The novel The Plains of White Deer by Chen Zhongshi is similar to the history concepts .

  18. 魔幻现实主义代表作家加西亚·马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是部奇书。

    One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Marquez , a Latin American magic realist writer .

  19. 从《百年孤独》看魔幻现实主义及其对莫言的影响

    The Influence of Fantastic Realism on the Chinese Local Native Writer Mo Yan through One Hundred Years of Solitude

  20. 加西亚·马尔克斯的《百年孤独》以匠心的历史意识和叙事方式打开了中国作家书写历史题材的新思路。

    Solitude for One Century by Jacia Marlx opened a new route for the Chinese writers in the history novels .

  21. 《百年孤独》是迄今所见张力最突出的小说之一。

    So far as we know ," One Hundred Years of Solitude " is one of the most tensive novels .

  22. 试比较《百年孤独》、《白鹿原》的历史观念与叙事策略

    A Comparative Study of The Plains of White Deer and Solitude for One Century in historical Concept and Narrative Strategies

  23. 《百年孤独》反映了克里奥尔人的孤独,孤独的最终根源在于其文化形态紊乱。

    The novel The Centennial Solitude is a reflection of the Creolean solitude which comes from their cultural disorder and breakdown .

  24. 长篇小说《百年孤独》是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义的登峰造极之作,它突出地体现了变现实为幻想而又不失其真的魔幻现实主义特点。

    The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of the masterpieces of perfection of the Latin American magic realism .

  25. 破解时间的迷宫&对《百年孤独》叙述时间的解读

    Decode the " Maze " of Time & A Study of the Narrative Time Order in One Hundred Years of Solitude

  26. 论《百年孤独》的魔幻现实主义特征南海文昌海域内孤立波特征观测研究

    On the magic realism features of " lonely old "; the characteristics of internal solitary waves at Wenchang in the South China Sea

  27. 新旧文明冲突&《百年孤独》与《九月寓言》的共同主题

    Contradiction between the Old and the New Civilization & the Common Theme of One Hundred Years of Solitude and September ′ s Fable

  28. 孤独中人性的回归&《百年孤独》中雷梅苔丝的象征意义以及和《婴宁》的比较

    The Regression of Humanity in Solitude A Comparative Analysis of the Symbolic Significance between Remedios of One Hundred Years of Solitude and Ying Ning

  29. 魔幻与现实相结合的审美体验&对《百年孤独》的一种解读

    On the Aesthetic Experience in the Combination of the Magical Illusion and the Reality & An explanation and reading to One Hundred Years of Solitude

  30. 通过分析,笔者试图发掘《百年孤独》给人们带来的诸多关于构建和谐生态的警示和启发。

    Through analysis , the author attempts to explore the Hundred Years of Solitude ; to bring many people to build a harmonious ecological warning about and inspiration .