
  • Wikipedia;ENCYCLOPEDIA;wiki
  1. 当你在徘徊不定的时候,试着看一下评论或者在电脑游戏百科等类似的地方查阅一下信息,比如性能分析、潜在问题、Steam特点等诸如此类。

    When in doubt , try reading reviews or checking places like PC Gaming Wiki for performance analysis , potential issues , Steam features , and the like .

  2. 从百科页面,您可以了解到关于睿腾心情加密器所用到的一些计算机知识。

    Frome the wiki , you can get some computer knowledge that was used in Reatent .

  3. 价格:免费(Wiki百科Plus版需4.99美元,约合31.87元人民币)

    Price : free ( Wikipanion Plus for $ 4.99 , or31.87 yuan )

  4. 基于HMM的百科辞典文本中句子的知识点分类

    A HMM Based Topic Categorization of Sentences in Encyclopedia Texts

  5. 美国医学百科网站(MedlinePlusMedicalEncyclopedia)称,关节炎共有100多种不同的类型。

    The MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia , a United States government website , says there are one hundred different kinds .

  6. 论ESP百科词典的编纂

    On the compiling of an ESP encyclopedic dictionary

  7. 也许看医生之前你曾在Wiki百科网站上搜索过相关症状。

    Maybe you checked your symptoms on Wikipedia before seeing a doctor .

  8. 基于Wiki的互动式测绘百科系统的设计

    Design of Wiki-based Mutual Encyclopedia System to Surveying and Mapping

  9. 早期研究显示相对于同类审阅过的文献来源Wiki百科的是比较粗糙。

    Earlier research suggested that Wikipedia is roughly comparable to peer-reviewed sources .

  10. 或许医生在见你之前也登陆Wiki百科查询过。

    And maybe your doctor checked Wikipedia before seeing you .

  11. 但该研究只是对Wiki百科中几百万条内容中的42条进行了调查分析。

    But that analysis looked only at 42 entries among the millions on Wikipedia .

  12. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  13. 多达70%的医生和医学院的学生们承认他们常用Wiki百科作为参考。

    Up to 70 percent of physicians and medical students admit to using Wikipedia as a reference , too .

  14. 锁定该词条后,百度百科相关人员联系了毕啸天,希望他能够写一个关于PX的介绍。

    After locking the entry , Baidu Baike contacted Bi and asked him to write a introduction to PX .

  15. 一篇于2005年在自然杂志上发表的研究曾发现Wiki百科和大不列颠大百科全书一样精准,甚至有关科学方面也是如此。

    A study in the journal Nature in 2005 found Wikipedia was about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica , even about science topics .

  16. Stuart和他的团队出版了数期《环球百科目录》,随后刊物的生命走到了尽头。

    Stuart and his team put out several issues of the The Whole Earth Catalogue , and then when it had run its course .

  17. 近来,毕啸天养成了一个新习惯:只要打开浏览器就会在百度百科上查看PX词条。

    Bi Xiaotian acquired a new habit recently . Every time he opens his web browser , he checks the entry of paraxylene ( PX ) on Baidu Baike .

  18. 自2004年以来,博客、视频分享、问答、百科、SNS、微博、LBS、团购等如雨后春笋般出现,社会化媒体的格局日趋复杂。

    Since 2004 , blogs , video sharing , Q & A , Wikipedia , the SNS , micro-blog , LBS , buy , etc. sprang up like mushrooms , the pattern of social media is becoming increasingly complex .

  19. “深深的溪流&高高的山脉”还要离谱:蒂娜为主唱,费尔•斯百科特(PhilSpector)制作瀑布的水流声音,而特纳竟被从录音现场给剔除了。

    With " River Deep & Mountain High ", it had been worse : Tina sang , Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound , and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions .

  20. 无论是数码音乐、网路视频,还是维琪百科(Wikipedia),实际上都可以不费分文进行制作和发布。正因如此,按经济学的规律,这些商品的价格也呈同向变动,即趋于零。

    Digital goods from music and video to Wikipedia can be produced and distributed at virtually no marginal cost , and so , by the laws of economics , price has gone the same way , to $ 0.00 .

  21. 生活小百科网:或许人生是,处处无选择。

    Perhaps life only leads to a choice of no choice .

  22. 生活小百科网:祝学业有成,天天快乐!

    Wish studies have results to show , happy every day !

  23. 谈百科信息在实现语篇隐性连贯中的作用

    Functions of Encyclopedic Information on the Realization of Textual Implicit Coherence

  24. 中国百科术语数据库的建设与知识传播

    Construction of Data Bank of Cyclopaedia Terms in China and Knowledge Transfer

  25. 你从哪里听来那些?天主教百科?

    Where did you get that , the Catholic encyclopedia ?

  26. 互动百科为你提供关于硬纸板精彩知识!

    Interactive Encyclopedia to provide you with excellent knowledge on the cardboard !

  27. 生活小百科网:澳大利亚有许多人度假。

    There are many people in Australia & in summer .

  28. 从认知角度分析百科词典中的篇

    Analyzing Cantos in Encyclopedic Dictionary From the Angle of Cognition

  29. 不妨将此项目称为生命百科。

    And let us call it the Encyclopedia of Life .

  30. 其他类似的网站还包括百度百科和互动在线。

    Other similar websites are Baidu Baike and Hoodong .