
yìn xiànɡ zhǔ yì
  • impressionism
  1. 论德彪西印象主义音乐的风格特征

    On the Stylistic Features of Claude Debussy 's Music of Impressionism

  2. 文森特·凡高是后期印象主义绘画大师。

    Vincent Van Gogh was a painting master of later impressionism .

  3. 她与早期那些现实主义作家不同,就像立体主义和印象主义不同一样。

    She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism .

  4. 印象主义逐渐演变成为一种国际性的思潮。

    Impressionism evolved into a kind of international ideaistic trend gradually .

  5. 第二章详细阐述契诃夫小说的印象主义特色。

    Chapter two expounds specifically on Chekhov novels ' impressionism characteristics .

  6. 梅森又冒昧地奉承帕帕岱莱夫斯基对法国印象主义的运用如何美妙。

    Valiantly , Mason complimented Paderewski 's use of French impressionism .

  7. 所以,印象主义是传统绘画向现代绘画的转折。

    So Impressionism is the transfer of painting from tradition to modern .

  8. 印象主义运动是抽象艺术的鼻祖之一。

    The impressionist movement was one of the ancestors of abstract art .

  9. 他采用了印象主义直接写实的实践方法。

    He used the direct and realistic practice of Impressionism .

  10. 论沈从文小说创作的印象主义色彩

    On the Impressionism in the Novel Writing of Shen Cong-wen

  11. 印象主义音乐的产生与相关文化的关系

    The Relation Between Production of Impressionism Music and Relevant Culture

  12. 论印象主义在约瑟夫·康拉德《在西方眼睛下》中的运用

    On the Application of Impressionism in Joseph Conrad 's under Western Eyes

  13. 19世纪的现实主义和印象主义绘画

    The Paintings of Realism and Impressionism in 19th Century

  14. 曼斯菲尔德作品中的印象主义手法

    The Technique of Impressionism in Katherine Mansfield 's Work

  15. 印象主义画派开启了西方现代艺术的大门。

    Impressionism opened the door of Modern Western Art .

  16. 印象主义钢琴作品触键法初探

    On the Touching Technique for the Impressionism Piano Works

  17. 我念大学时,得知印象主义和其他现代艺术派别。

    I learned about impressionism and other modern art styles while in college .

  18. 论《吉姆爷》中印象主义的道德内涵

    On the Moral Concern of Impressionism in Lord Jim

  19. 眼睛的背后&再论印象主义

    The message behind the eye & Comments on impressionism

  20. 从嘲笑到膜拜&论后印象主义艺术之路

    From Ridicule to Worship , On the Post-Impressionist Art

  21. 比如莫奈是否还会找到他创作印象主义画作的才能?

    Would Monet have discovered his talent for impressionism ?

  22. 爱德华·马奈是印象主义的开创者。

    Edouard Manet is the forerunner of the Impressionism .

  23. 德彪西是印象主义音乐的奠基人。

    Debussy was the founder of impressionistic music .

  24. 印象主义音乐风格源流初探

    On the Origin of Music Style of Impressionism

  25. 德彪西创造了以色彩表现为主的印象主义和声的新风格。

    Debussy created the new impressionism harmony style .

  26. 保罗高更,后印象主义画派的代表人物。

    Paul Gauguin , representatives of Post Impressionism .

  27. 越南作品把法国印象主义影响与本地的丝绸与漆器质材结合起来。

    Vietnamese works combine French Impressionist influences and traditional materials like silk and lacquer .

  28. 法国印象主义音乐探微

    A Comparative Study of the French Impressionist Music

  29. 浅论印象主义画派之艺术革新

    On the Artistic Innovation of the Impressionism

  30. 与印象派、印象主义有关或具有印象主义特征。

    Relating to or characteristic of impressionism .