
yì shù yǔ yán
  • artistic language
  1. 定格动画艺术语言与动画教学之研究

    Study on the Artistic Language of Stop-motion Animation and Animation Teaching

  2. 器的精神&兼论当代日用陶瓷器的艺术语言

    Spirit of Ware & On Artistic Language of Contemporary Ceramic Tableware

  3. 卷草纹的艺术语言及其现代延展设计

    The Artistic Language and the Modern Future Design of Floral Scrolls

  4. 艺术语言的表达效应与评价方法

    The expressive function and the evaluation procedure of the art language

  5. 亚述浮雕壁画艺术语言探究及其价值借鉴

    Research on Artistic Language and Reference Value of Assyrian Relief Frescoes

  6. 色彩是绘画艺术语言构成中最活跃、最丰富、最敏感和最富有艺术表现力的视觉因素。

    Color is the most active and abundant factor in painting language .

  7. 艺术语言在中学语文教材中的运用

    The application of artistic language in Chinese language textbooks for middle schools

  8. 艺术语言中的文境是一种虚无之境。

    Images in an artistic language come from a world of nothingness .

  9. 意象:艺术语言的基本符号

    Image : the Basic Sign of the Artistic Language

  10. 以“炉火纯青”的造型艺术语言创造了“经典”的“四神”形象;

    Creating the classic " the Four Gods " image with professional proficiency ;

  11. 它是中国传统绘画最基本的风格特征和艺术语言。

    It is the most fundamental style and art term of Chinese painting .

  12. 言不尽意与文学艺术语言在本质上是象的,人类的第一个象是自身之象&人象,言说即从人象开始。

    On Language and Literature The first image of the Human is themselves .

  13. 论艺术语言意象的内在生成及外化

    Artistic pictures & conception 's internal generation and external display in art speech

  14. 两种戏剧&论东西方戏剧艺术语言的不同质

    On the Differences of Artistic Language of the Oriental and the Western Drama

  15. 艺术语言的言语生成机制分析

    The Mechanisms for Generating Significant Forms in Artistic Language

  16. 服装设计艺术语言解读

    Interpretation of Artistic " Language " in Costume Designing

  17. 从思维的角度看,艺术语言意象是一种艺术思维。

    Seen from the angle of thinking , art speech is artistic thinking .

  18. 新时期定格动画艺术语言的发展

    Linguistic Development of Freeze Frame Animation in New Age

  19. 恩施土家族地区傩愿戏艺术语言的程式表现

    The Formulaic Expressions of Nuo Play 's Artistic Language in Enshi Tujia Areas

  20. 试论装饰壁画创作活动中的艺术语言

    A Discussion of Art Language in Decoration Fresco Creation

  21. 艺术语言的美学功能

    The study of the aesthetic functions of artistic language

  22. 在艺术语言中,情绪空间占据着特殊位置。

    In the artistic language , the sentimental space holds a special position .

  23. 汉画像石有丰富的艺术语言和艺术特征。

    Han grave fresco is rich in the artistic language and artistic features .

  24. 有其自身独特的艺术语言和表现手法。

    Has its own unique artistic language and expression .

  25. 两个层面&风景园林规划设计中的艺术语言研究

    Art Language in Planning and Design of Landscaping

  26. 形成了绘画表达中独特的艺术语言。

    Formed a unique artistic expression painting language .

  27. 而这两种文化形态相异的艺术语言却在构成这一表达方式上出现了类似的交集。

    However , these two different cultural forms exhibit similar patterns in artistic expression .

  28. 艺术语言的情绪空间

    On the Sentimental Space of the Artistic Language

  29. 视觉语言与其他艺术语言的共通性表现

    Synaesthesia Between Visual language and Other Artistic languages

  30. 装饰壁挂的艺术语言

    The Artistic Language of Decorations on the wall