
  • 网络art design
  1. 艺术设计学中相关概念关系探微

    Research for Relevant Concept Relations in Art Design

  2. 基于计算机图形学、艺术设计学、美学、计算机辅助设计学等相关学科的理论知识,对基于数码艺术的图形设计的相关理论进行阐述,并对其部分的设计实践进行演示。

    Based on computer graphics , art design , aesthetics , science and other computer-aided design theory related subjects , Elaborates on the theory of Digital art based on graphic design , demonstrates some of the design practice .

  3. 关于艺术设计学专业基础课教学改革的探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Programme and Method of Basic Courses in Design and Art

  4. 改革艺术设计学专业理论课结业考试的设想

    Tentative Plan of Reforming Course Completing Exam for Theoretical Courses of Art & Design Theory Subject

  5. 本文运用环境艺术设计学与环境心理学等专业理论对青岛滨海沿线的景观构成予以分析。

    This paper studies the application of landscape design professionals and environmental psychology theory of Qingdao coastal landscape along the composition be analyzed .

  6. 插图在书籍设计中的构成方式对独创性和对张扬个性的坚持是当今艺术设计学的必然发展方向。

    Illustrations in the design of books to structure mode originality and to make public individual character persistence is the art of design science inevitably development direction .

  7. 而且设计流程的研究涉及范围非常广泛,从管理学、项目管理学到艺术设计学理论与实践等等都有涵盖。

    And the design process involves a very wide range of research , learned from management , project management theory and practice of art and design school have covers .

  8. 之后又综合研究艺术设计学、计算机科学、心理学、社会学、市场营销学和可用性工程学等相关理论,对影响移动互联网企业品牌视觉和产品视觉的相关因素进行了全面的分析和研究。

    Then researches on the theories in art design , computer science , psychology , sociology , marketing and usability engineering comprehensively , and analyzes the influences to the visual identity unity of mobile internet brand and its products .

  9. 尽管学科年轻,但是,它有管理学、项目管理学和艺术设计学理论与实践的支撑,其整体框架体系已经形成,诸如设计项目管理的组织,形象,程序和质量监控等等。

    Although it has a short history , the study has formed its own framework supported by science of management 、 project management and artistic design theory and practice such as organization 、 image 、 procedure and quality control of design project .

  10. 文章从艺术设计学、认知心理学设计社会学的角度入手,结合网页的独特内涵进行分析、总结,希望由此进入网页界面设计的理性空间。

    From several perspectives , such as Artistic design study , cognitive psychology , and design sociology , this thesis hopes to pave the way to the rational space of Web Interface Design by giving a survey to the specific characteristics it .

  11. 艺术设计思维学:研究与教学

    Study and teaching of artistic design thought

  12. 环境艺术设计与化妆学

    Environment Art Design and Making Up Knowledge

  13. 本文依据城镇环境艺术设计、城市规划学、城市设计学、景观生态学等原理,对京郊小城镇环境艺术设计方法进行了研究,并以大量实例分类分析说明,对其优劣势以及典型空间进行研究。

    Based on the art design of urban environment , urban planning , urban design , landscape ecology and principles , we study Beijing outskirts of small towns environmental art design methodology , and study a large number of examples of classification ;

  14. 学术论文方面,园林学的论文以园林史、园艺栽培、养殖等见长;建筑学的论文以营建技术和建筑艺术审美方面为重;而艺术设计学关于庭园环境艺术设计理论方面的论文数量甚少。

    As for academic papers , the papers basing on landscape architecture pay attention on the history , planting technique , while the papers basing on architectures are client to building technique and architecture art . The paper that is basing on garden environmental designing is expected .

  15. 近期除了应用在纯艺术领域外,已逐步渗透到建筑学、艺术设计学领域。

    Recently , it has started to appear in architecture and artistic design .

  16. 它作为一种受到现代艺术与后现代艺术深刻影响的景观形态,我们要通过运用艺术形态学及设计艺术学理论对它进行分析、研究,这符合学科发展实证化的要求。

    As apost-modern art and modern art a profound impact on the landscape patterns , we must , through the use of art and design art morphological study of its theoretical analysis , research , academic development in line with the evidence requirements .

  17. 在我国艺术设计专业的教学谱系中,长期缺失环境保护的专门课程,该问题亦反映在我国艺术设计类色彩学专业教材中和色彩教学的实践过程中。

    There is a missing course about environment-protection in the teaching plan of the major in art and design in our country .