
  • 网络artistic structure
  1. 《琵琶记》的艺术结构与悲剧意蕴

    The Artistic Structure and Tragedy Connotation of The Story of the Pipa

  2. 王熙凤与《红楼梦》的艺术结构

    On Artistic Structure of Wang Xifeng and A Dream of Red Mansions

  3. 福克纳的《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》的艺术结构是向心式的;

    The structure of A Rose for Emily is centripetal .

  4. “圆融”与“方合”是体现于中国艺术结构中,最具文化蕴涵的构制规则之一。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of Chinese art structure from this rule .

  5. 试论庄子散文的艺术结构

    On the Artistic Structure of Zhuang Tzu 's prose

  6. 小说的艺术结构有表达上的美学潜势。

    Fiction ′ s artistic structure may have the aesthetic power of expression .

  7. 通变理论与《史记》艺术结构

    The Historical Evaluation Theory and the Artistic Structure of Records of the History

  8. 书法艺术结构与章法的辩证美刍议

    A brief analysis of dialectical beauty in calligraph structure and art of writing

  9. 论中国艺术结构的圆融·方合构制

    On the " Smooth Circle and Perfect Square " Rule of Chinese Art Construction

  10. 史诗性的追求是通过恢宏开放的艺术结构和时代精神的表现来实现的;

    The magnificent and open artistic structure and epochal spirit embody his epic pursuit ;

  11. 视觉艺术结构中的对比手法及效果

    Antithesis and Its Effect in Vision Art Structure

  12. 点亮生命之火&评《儿子与情人》的艺术结构

    The Life Illuminating Flame & Interpretation of the Artistic Structure in Sons and Lovers

  13. 宿命论的艺术结构只是一种公式化、普遍化的模式,其中包含着丰富的社会内容。

    Fatalistic artistic structure contains abundant content .

  14. 《庄子》是我国古代第一部艺术结构比较完整的带文著作。

    Zhuang Tzu is China 's first prose work with a fairly complete artistic structure .

  15. 论中国艺术结构之早期整合

    Early Integration of Chinese Art Structure

  16. 王蒙在小说艺术结构上也有着大量有创造性的探索和实验。

    Wang Meng also has in the novel art structure has the creative exploration and the experiment massively .

  17. 拓展中国艺术结构的理论研究&赵建军《中国艺术结构论》序

    Expand the Theoretical Research of Chinese Art Structure & Preface to the Chinese Art Structure Theory by ZHAO Jian-jun

  18. 在艺术结构方面具有独创性,在阐释音乐时间的持续性和流动性时运用的创作手法异常激烈而又富有多样性。

    It has originality in art structure and diversity of writing style when interpret usic in tie continuity and fluidity .

  19. 只有这样,戏剧才能更好地体现其自身存在的价值,这种艺术结构也是文学样式多样化原则的体现。

    This is the existence value of the drama , and it is also the reflection of the literary diversification .

  20. 民族性在招贴艺术结构中的表现方式,与民族文化特性密切相关。

    The manner of expressing nationality within the poster-art 's structure is related closely to the characteristics of the ethnic culture .

  21. 动画音乐始终与剧情紧密结合,其创作构思以动画片的思想内容、艺术结构为基础。

    The animation music integrates itself with the plot and its design is based on the animation content and the art construct .

  22. 赋形与写意是中国艺术结构的重要构制特点。

    " Composing shaping ( CS ) and describing meaning ( DM )" are important characteristics of composing system of Chinese art structure .

  23. 《中国艺术结构论》一书打破了学界长期以来对艺术结构理论问题的沉默。

    The book of Chinese Art Structure Theory breaks the silence of educational circles for a long time on the issue of art structure theories .

  24. 蒙太奇的本质是一种艺术结构方式,它是对现实生活的一种选择和处理的方法。

    The essence of the montage is a kind of art mode , which is a kind of way to select and dispose the reality .

  25. 本文力图从三个方面来把握《秦腔》的意识和艺术结构。(一)、乡村社会图景的再现。

    The paper tries from three aspects to grasp the Qin Opera awareness and artistic structure . ( A ) Reconstruct the picture of rural society .

  26. 本文通过解读阿来小说中的几个主要意象白色、梦、尘埃等,剖析了阿来小说诗意叙事的艺术结构。

    This article analyses the artistic structure of the novels ' poetic narrative of Alai by interpreting some main images such as white , dream and dust .

  27. 首先,从传统文化、西方文学、近代传媒媒介的发展三方面的影响来分析小说独特的艺术结构。

    Firstly , analyzing the unique artistic structure , from the influence of three aspects : the development of traditional culture , western literature , and recent media .

  28. 传奇的影响不仅大大的丰富了叙事诗的表现题材,还在艺术结构、叙事手法以及人物形象刻画等方面,都给叙事诗以借鉴。

    The influence of legend not only enriched the themes of epics , but also provided examples for its structure , narrative skills and the shaping of characters .

  29. 她的创作融合东西方小说精华,构筑起精致多变的艺术结构,以朴实生动的笔触构画出丰富多彩的生活场景,展示了浓厚的东北地域风情和生活意蕴。

    With her simple and vivid artistic style , she depicted rich scenes of life and displayed a strong flavor of the local customs and life in northeast China .

  30. 无论是在题材的选择,还是在艺术结构的袭用上,音乐与文学都存在着功能互换特征。

    Music and literature have the characteristic of an exchange in function either in the respect of the choice of the theme or in the forming of artistic structure .