
yì shù liú pài
  • Artistic genres;genre/schools of art
  1. 目前约有6个供应商提供艺术品市场指数,如毕加索(Picasso)指数或大师级作品(OldMasters)指数,追踪艺术家及艺术流派多年来的行情表现。

    There are now about half a dozen players offering art market indices that track the performance of artists and genres of art over time , such as a Picasso index , or an Old Masters index .

  2. 一种描绘自然风光的绘画艺术流派。

    A style of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery .

  3. 值得庆幸的是,中国古筝至今仍较完整地传承着其艺术流派。

    Fortunately , its art schools are inherited rather integrally .

  4. 描绘自然景色的一种艺术流派。

    A genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery .

  5. 这一时期各种艺术流派异彩纷呈。

    There have a lot of art form come forth at that time .

  6. 民族器乐演奏艺术流派,代表人物及其艺术成就;

    Art streams , representatives and artistic achievements of the national musical instrument playing ;

  7. 后现代主义是一种汇集了多种文化、哲学、艺术流派的庞杂思潮。

    The postmodernism is a complicated trend of thought including many cultural , philosophical and artistic schools .

  8. 流行于1915年至1925年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。矛盾的主题。

    A style ( 1915-1925 ) with antirational approach and nihilistic , absurdist , and incongruous themes .

  9. 这就使得各个艺术流派,其中也包括最新的画派都保持了很高的艺术水准。

    All these help maintain the high art level among all genres , including the latest ones .

  10. 尚处于发展阶段的艺术流派

    An immature school of art

  11. 以马蒂斯为首的野兽派等西方现代艺术流派,又重新受到当代中国艺术家们的广泛关注。

    Led by Matisse fauvism western modern art genre , again by contemporary Chinese artists of widespread concern .

  12. 流行于1915&1925间的艺术流派。其特点是反理性的创作手段和虚无、荒诞、矛盾的主题。

    A style ( 1915 & 1925 ) with antirational approach and nihilistic , absurdist , and incongrous thems .

  13. 第五部分(第四章)从欧洲艺术流派对德国表现主义绘画的影响进行分析。

    And the influence of the Europe art genres on the German expressionism will be presented in the fifth part .

  14. 世纪法国东部勃艮第地方艺术流派从荒诞看东西方之间性艺术的差异

    Burgundy School From " Absurd " To See the Differences Of the EAST-WEST 'S " Betwixt and Between " Art

  15. 尝试着表现潜意识的活动、以荒诞的形象和不和谐的并列为特色的文学艺术流派。

    Art and literature attempting to express the working of the subconscious and characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions .

  16. 而简约风格,源于上世纪60年代当代美国一个艺术流派兴起的一种非写实绘画雕塑。

    Minimalism , it derived from the nonobjective painting sculpture , which springs from an art genre in 1950s America .

  17. 海上画派是我国近代绘画史上最为重要的和最具影响力的艺术流派之一。

    Maritime School of Modern Painting the history of our country is the most important and most influential school of art .

  18. 分别以人格特质、视觉图像、艺术流派等方面,呈现达利之极致;

    The ultimate attainment of Dali can be presented respectively in the aspect of personality , visual images , and artistic school .

  19. 吴门画派作为历史上出现的一个艺术流派,经历了酝酿、兴起、繁盛和衰落几个阶段。

    As an art genre in the history , Wumen painting faction also experienced the gestation , rise , bloom and decline .

  20. 美国20世纪中期兴起的一种艺术流派,其特点是抽象、简单、微缩,即把作品简略到基本抽象成分。

    An abstract , simple , reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors . ( U.S.mid-20th century )

  21. 卢梭这种别样的稚拙绘画给后来20世纪许多艺术家和艺术流派产生了重要的影响,他的绘画不知不觉地为各式各样的艺术流派所吸纳,多处可见其影子。

    His different painting style had an important effect on many 20th century artists and art school , and was absorbed by them .

  22. 其技法演变和艺术流派的形成,主要反映在刀法和书法两个方面。

    The achievement of its techniques and the formation of its artistic schools can be seen both in the cutting and in the calligraphy .

  23. 其中,河南筝艺术流派不仅是中国古筝最古老的流派之一,而且具有十分重要和不可替代的地位。

    Among of them , Henan zheng school is not only one of the most ancient schools in China but also takes up irreplaceable status .

  24. “陕派”电视剧是一种具有厚重的黄土地气息、古朴的城市风韵、粗犷的关中风情为主要美学特征的电视剧艺术流派;

    Shaanxi TV play is a kind of special art school whose main aesthetic characteristics are simple , straightforward and charming , full of local features .

  25. 20世纪初出现的一个艺术流派。它抛弃传统现实,强调艺术作品的形体结构,即同时性、多角度性及扭曲的视角。

    A style of art that departs from traditional reality , and emphasizes multifaceted , simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives . ( early20th century )

  26. 这一现代艺术流派之所以对现代平面设计产生巨大影响,一是其创作理念符合现代生产和生活的要求;

    There are four reasons for De Stijl 's influence on modern graphic design : its design concept accords with the demand of modern life and production ;

  27. 花间派是我国词学史上的一个重要的艺术流派,它衬后世词的创作,具有深远的影响。

    The Flowery School marks an important artistic school in the history of China 's ci poetics , exerting a far-reaching impact upon the later ci poetry .

  28. 抽象表现主义作为最早在美国涌现出的现代艺术流派之一,在美国艺术史上有着极其重要的地位。

    Abstract expressionism , as one of the earliest emergence of modern art schools in the United States , has extremely important position in the history of art .

  29. 艺术流派繁多,但以揭示灵魂为目的的唯有表现艺术。它是美术史上非常重要的艺术思潮与流派,它在西方现代哲学史、艺术史上都具有举足轻重的分量。

    Expressionism Modernist art history is a very important movement in art and schools , it is the history of modern Western philosophy , art history has important component .

  30. 德国表现主义绘画兴起于20世纪初,其风格语言乃至精神内涵都在西方现代主义诸艺术流派中独树一帜。

    German expressionism springing up at the beginning of the 20th century . Compared with other western modernism , expressionism , it 's style , spirit , are unique .