
  • 网络image;Artistic Image
  1. 艺术形象是审美价值的主要载体。

    An artistic image is a main carrier of aesthetic value .

  2. 艺术形象在广告设计及策划中的意义

    The Significance of Artistic Image in the Advertisement Designing and Planning

  3. 从Venus的艺术形象看西方不同时代的女性审美

    From the Venus 's Artistic Visualize to Analyze the Western Women 's Taste of Different Ages

  4. 有些人会不得不去完善任务,设计新NPC的艺术形象,按部就班地进行这一切,并最终定论:“好的,让我们把这个放到游戏里去。”

    Someone has to write up the quest , get the character art for the NPC , run all this through its paces , and then get the final ," Ok , let 's put it in the game . "

  5. 论摄影艺术形象的塑造与表现

    The portrayal and the manifestation of an artistic figure in photography

  6. 艺术形象:文艺之为文艺的第一生命

    Artistic Figure : First Life of Art for Art 's Sake

  7. 简析2-16世纪基督的艺术形象

    An Initial Analysis in Christ 's Images in 2-16th Century Art

  8. 多余人艺术形象分析与研究

    An Analytical Study of the " Unnecessary Man " Image

  9. 本土文化是塑造城市艺术形象的源泉。

    Native culture is the source which molds a city art image .

  10. 艺术形象嬗变史分期简论

    Discussing by stages on the evolution history of artistic image

  11. 试论《荒野的呼唤》中巴克的艺术形象

    On the Artistic Image of Buck in The Call of the Wild

  12. 《宠儿》的艺术形象与审美价值

    On the Image of Arts and Aesthetic Value of Beloved

  13. 舞蹈艺术形象应与舞蹈音乐形象相统一

    The Integration of the Art-images and the Music-images in Dancing

  14. 中国古代文论现代转换之一瞥&艺术形象理论与艺术意象理论及其趋向融合

    A glance at modernized transformation of ancient Chinese Literary Theories

  15. 意象是现代诗歌艺术形象构造的基本元素。

    Imagery is the basic element in establishing artistic images in modern poetry .

  16. 城市艺术形象中的设计亮点

    Design issues of the art image in the city

  17. 论《土生子》中的新黑人艺术形象

    On Artistic Image of Black People in Native Son

  18. 死亡的崇拜&哈姆莱特艺术形象再论

    Death-Worship & Discourse on the Art Image of Hamlet

  19. 典型的艺术形象的创作是标志设计的难点。

    The difficult of sign design is to create typical design of art .

  20. 绘画中自然形态与艺术形象的关系

    Relation of Natural Form and Artistic Image in Painting

  21. 文学语言是指用来塑造艺术形象的文学作品的语言。

    Literary language means a language which to shape the image of literary .

  22. 艺术形象是文艺的本质特征;

    The artistic shape is an essential characteristic of the literature and art ;

  23. 艺术形象是艺术之为艺术的独有标志,一个根源于社会母系统的自己运动着的系统化有机实体;

    Artistic image is the only symbol of art for art 's sake .

  24. 病女是女性文学中一个常态化的艺术形象。

    " Ailing Female " is a normalized artistic figure in female literature .

  25. 首先我们要关注的是,艺术品中的艺术形象和现实真东西的关系。

    First we will talk about the relation of artistic image and ture thing .

  26. 五四时期的新美学精神和新艺术形象

    The New Esthetic Spirit and the New Art Image in the May Fourth Movement

  27. 真正成功的艺术形象是思想性与艺术性的完美统一的整体。

    The truly successful artistic image of the perfect ideological and artistic unified whole .

  28. 在他的舞台生涯中,他塑造了许多生动且令人难以忘怀的艺术形象。

    During his stage career , he created many lively and unforgettable artistic images .

  29. 南阳汉墓砖(石)画中的音乐艺术形象

    An Analysis of Music Art Images on the Han Dynasty Paintings Found in Nanyang

  30. 那是虚构的艺术形象。

    It 's only a fictional artistic image .