
bù dīng
  • pudding
布丁 [bù dīng]
  • [pudding] 一种煮熟或烤熟的不甜的软质食品,通常以一种禾谷为基础,其结构似牛奶蛋糊,可当一道主菜或副菜

布丁[bù dīng]
  1. 把布丁冷却一小时直至凝固成形。

    Let the pudding chill for an hour until set .

  2. 她所需要做的就是把布丁加热。

    All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding

  3. 它非常适合做蛋糕和软布丁的馅儿。

    It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges .

  4. 这些布丁大部分只需要用蛋奶沙司最后点缀一下。

    The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce .

  5. 这种布丁做起来简单快捷,放到烤箱里之后就不用操什么心了。

    The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven .

  6. 上布丁,把酸奶碗传一下,用酸奶拌着布丁吃。

    Serve the pudding , and pass around a bowl of yogurt to go with it

  7. 我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了,令人无法抗拒。的确非常美味。

    We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist . Sure enough , it was delicious

  8. 她过去喜欢做巧克力夹心布丁,你知道吧,就是里面有巧克力酱之类的东西的。

    She used to make all these chocolate puddle puddings , you know , with the sauce underneath and all this sort of thing .

  9. 他吃了两客布丁。

    He had two helpings of pudding .

  10. 你喜欢大米布丁上面的薄皮吗?

    Do you like skin on your rice pudding ?

  11. 这是在模子中做成的布丁。

    This is a mould of pudding .

  12. 鼓励家庭成员用未加工的大米做米饭布丁。

    Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings .

  13. 我还饿,我可以再要些布丁吗?

    I 'm still hungry , can I have some more pudding ?

  14. 他们端上了苹果布丁作为甜食。

    They served apple pudding for dessert .

  15. Freddie叔叔脸红了起来,又吃了第二份牛肉肾脏布丁。

    Uncle Freddie blushed and ate a second helping of steak-and-kidney pudding .

  16. 其中我最津津乐道的是中间那款--带着MP3播放机,鼻毛剪和法式焦糖布丁的喷火枪。

    My favorite is the middle one -- the MP3 player , nose hair trimmer , and creme brulee torch .

  17. 不过Bree知道对她来说一切证据都藏在了布丁里

    But Bree could . You see for her , the proof was in the pudding .

  18. 她说,这个课程对她影响最大的部分,是获得了业内高管吉百利(Cadbury)的前首席执行官以及布丁生产商Gü的董事的建议。

    But one of the most influential parts of the course , she says , was getting advice from executives in the industry : the former chief executive of Cadbury and the director of pudding maker G ü .

  19. 在苏活区的这间咖啡馆里,新加坡游客温迪(Wendy)点了一份全套英式蒙蒂早餐(FullMonty),她想借机尝一下黑布丁的味道,这是一道用猪血、通常还有燕麦制成的美味佳肴。

    For Wendy , a Singapore tourist ordering the Full Monty breakfast in the Soho Caf é , it was a chance to try black pudding - a delicacy of cooked pig 's blood mixed usually with oatmeal .

  20. 主厨MarcGuilbert制作的这块华丽布丁混合着一块轻薄的饼干蛋糕和香槟果冻,还加入了桃子、橙子和威士忌。

    Chef Marc Guilbert layered the flamboyant pudding with a light biscuit joconde and champagne jelly , infused with peach , orange and whiskey .

  21. 他们也会在打上露水的,俯视阳台的窗玻璃上留下SHMILY的字样。他们总是在那个阳台上招待大家他们自己做的热乎乎的蓝色布丁。

    They smeared it in the dew on the windows overlooking the patio where they always had warm , homemade pudding with blue food coloring .

  22. 甜点,比如标准巴克拉娃脆香或galactobourico(奶油布丁和肉桂糕点)或奶油饼干,都是不错的一顿。

    Dessert , such as the standard baklava or galactobourico ( custard pudding with cinnamon pastry ) or butter cookies , rounds out a meal .

  23. 我拿不准他们是否还会再要香草布丁。

    I doubt if they will ever want vanilla pudding again .

  24. 把肉豆蔻磨碎放入混合料中[撒在布丁上]。

    Grate the nutmeg into the mixture / over the pudding .

  25. 为了要做布丁,他偷了三袋麦片。

    He stole three pecks of barley-meal To make a bag-pudding .

  26. 这个布丁里有两磅鲜果。

    This pudding have two pound of fresh fruit in it .

  27. 我们会有个布丁在半个小时后。

    And we 'll have a pudding in half an hour .

  28. 近几年还可以点布丁和韩式烧烤。

    Recently , you can even order pudding or Korean BBQs .

  29. 后来,制作香蕉布丁就成为一个令人珍惜的家庭传统。

    Later , making banana pudding became a cherished family tradition .

  30. “不吃米饭布丁的孩子”

    " A boy who never ate his rice pudding . "