
  • 网络Torch;torch relay;olympic torch relay
  1. “我喜欢别人叫我“金刚”,坚强乐观、热爱和平的奥运“金刚”!”于震环递交上去的奥运火炬传递者申请,目前还没有得到回复。

    " I like people ask me ," king kong " strong optimism , peace-loving olympic " king kong "!" yu Zhenhuan submit it in the Olympic torch relay applications , there has been no reply .

  2. (火炬传递)是本港的一个辉煌时刻,香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)主席、红衣日组织者之一苏泽光表示。

    [ The torch relay ] is a glorious moment for this city , said Jack So , chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and one of the organisers of the red pageant .

  3. 澳大利亚站火炬传递负责人泰德•昆兰(TedQuinlan)表示,华人社团的反应让他感到惊讶,他表示这显然是经过精心协调的计划,以便在当天获得人数上的优势。

    Ted Quinlan , chief organiser of the Australian leg of the relay , said he was surprised by the reaction from the Chinese community , which he said was obviously a well co-ordinated plan to take the day by weight of numbers .

  4. 香港昨日也取消了原计划中的两段火炬传递。

    Hong Kong yesterday scrapped two sections of its planned relay .

  5. 经过中国各省的奥运火炬传递将暂停。

    The Olympic torch relay through Chinese provinces will be suspended .

  6. 如今,全球奥运火炬传递成了令人遗憾的一幕。

    The international Olympic torch relay is now a sorry sight .

  7. 汉人庆祝他们的火炬传递。这是正常的吗?

    Normal ? They are just a bunch of brain-dead people .

  8. 火炬传递对市民开放真好。

    It 's good to open this up for the citizens .

  9. 北京奥运会圣火火炬传递是很特别的。

    The Torch Relay of the Beijing Olympic Games is unique .

  10. 他们正在寻找火炬传递的志愿者。

    And they are looking for volunteers to carry the torch .

  11. 火炬传递将在英国国内进行,持续70天。

    The torch will travel the length of Britain during its70-day relay .

  12. 你是如何看待火炬传递的?

    How do you think of the Olympic Torch transmission ?

  13. 旧金山将于明日举行下一站的奥运火炬传递。

    The next leg of the relay is in San Francisco tomorrow .

  14. 但是,显然应该取消火炬传递。

    But it is clear that it should be cancelled .

  15. 每位奥运火炬传递手将手持圣火跑200米。

    Each runner will carry the torch for200 meters on Chinese soil .

  16. 在1936年的柏林奥运会上首次组织了奥运火炬传递。

    The torch relay was first organized at the 1936 Berlin Games .

  17. 这个星期,我有生以来第二次看到了奥运火炬传递。

    This week I saw the second Olympic torch relay of my life .

  18. 奥运火炬传递标志着奥林匹克传统

    The torch relay symbolizes the passing of Olympic traditions

  19. 2008年的火炬传递经过了许多地区和国家。

    The torch relay in 2008 after a number of regions and countries .

  20. 平壤是2008北京奥运火炬传递的第18站。

    Pyongyang is the 18th leg of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games torch relay .

  21. 火炬传递的下一站是青海省。

    The torch goes next to Qinghai province .

  22. 此前联想已决定不购买火炬传递前的户外广告。

    Lenovo had already decided not to buy billboard advertising ahead of the relay .

  23. 现代奥运会火炬传递活动渊源考

    Origin of torch passing of modern Olympic Games

  24. 大多数火炬传递者并非社会名流。

    Most of the torchbearers are not celebrities .

  25. 对部分英国媒体关于北京奥运会火炬传递新闻语篇的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Some British Media News Discourses on Beijing Olympic Torch Relay

  26. 珠峰圣火稍后将汇合到奥运主火炬传递中。

    The Qomolangma flame will be reunited with the main flame later in the relay .

  27. 仿人形机器人火炬传递中的高精度目标特征提取

    Study on High Accurate Feature Extraction in the Process of Transferring Touch with Humanoid Robots

  28. 宁波是浙江省火炬传递的第四站。

    The Ningbo leg is the fourth leg of the torch relay in Zhejiang province .

  29. 旧金山对此的反应则是宣布了一条虚假的(火炬传递)路线。

    San Francisco responded by announcing a route that turned out to be a decoy .

  30. 奥运圣火与火炬传递

    The Olympic Flame and Torch Relay