
  • 网络general price
  1. 以价格发现速度作为价格发现效率的代理变量,在总结现有价格发现速度研究的基础上,提出了一般价格发现模型(GPDM)。

    Taken the price discovery speed as a proxy of the efficiency of price discovery , this paper proposes a General Price Discovery Model ( GPDM ) on the basis of summarizing present materials on the price discovery .

  2. 通货紧缩是一般价格水平下降的标志。

    Deflation is a decline in the general price level .

  3. 在老格林威治的盖博大厦(OldGreenwichGables),共管公寓的一般价格从单卧室的50万美元(约合人民币307万元),至三卧室的90万美元(约合人民币553万元)不等,据约翰逊说。

    Condominiums at Old Greenwich Gables range from one-bedrooms , generally priced in the $ 500000s , to three-bedrooms in the $ 900000s , according to Mr. Johnson .

  4. 聘请商业·顾问的一般价格是每小时200美元。

    eg.The normal rate of a business consultant is $ 200 per hour .

  5. 一般价格低于企业的平均可避免成本,即可判定构成掠夺性定价。

    Generally , price below the average avoidable cost would constitute predatory pricing .

  6. 在一般价格的基础上加收50%的费用。

    In addition to the normal charge , there is A50 percent extra charge .

  7. 国外的此类开发平台一般价格昂贵,且需阅读大量的英文说明,不方便国内用户的使用。

    This kind of platform overseas is expensive and difficult to use for native users .

  8. 准确地测度通货膨胀是认识一般价格水平的变化状况和制定反通货膨胀政策措施的基础。

    Understanding inflation and designing policy measures against inflation is based on precisely measuring inflation .

  9. 然而,货币冲击能够解释一般价格水平变化的实质性部分。

    Nevertheless , the currency impact can account for the substantial change in China 's price level .

  10. 我们使用空间映射原理,确定了最优策略与一般价格变化曲线之间的关系。

    By space mapping principles , we confirm the relationship between the price curve and the optimal strategy .

  11. 并且新古典经济学家把收入分配问题仅仅着作是一般价格形成问题中的一个方面。

    And the new classical economists use the income distribution problems as only one of the problems of general price formation .

  12. 能源价格上涨对中国一般价格水平的影响

    Impact of Energy Price Increase on General Price Level in China : A Study Based on Input-output Model and Recursive SVAR Model

  13. 然后,再说明一般价格和贵国其他竞争产品。

    Then , I will touch on its general price level and competitive products , which I am sure you are interested in .

  14. 然而,国外的模拟人系统和教学软件一般价格昂贵,某些急救方法和数据表示和国内的存在差异。

    However , foreign teaching software and human analogue system are expensive , some first-aid methods and data representation are different from domestic .

  15. 名义粘性是一般价格水平(工资水平)随着市场供求的变化而缓慢调整。

    The nominal stickiness is gradually adjusted by the price level ( wage level ) as the change of the market demand and supply .

  16. 国外的叶轮加工专用软件一般价格比较昂贵,而且该软件为一封闭的系统,其中的核心技术无法获得。

    The software system of impeller machining is very expensive and closed package , besides it is impossible for us to acquire its key technology .

  17. 若没有这样的最新列出的价格,将适用达成合同时这些货物的一般价格。

    In the absence of such a current list price , the price generally charged for such goods at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply .

  18. 同时利用计算出的每个行业的价格变化水平,模拟出能源价格变化对整体经济一般价格水平的影响程度。

    While taking advantage of the calculated level of price changes in each industry , to simulate the energy price changes on the general price level of the overall economic impact .

  19. 纵观目前国内的交通测速雷达市场,国外产品一般价格昂贵,而且使用维护不方便,国内产品进入市场时间晚,还没有得到市场的广泛认同,未能得到大规模的应用。

    Looking at the current domestic traffic speed-measuring radar market , foreign products are generally expensive and inconvenient to use and maintenance , domestic products have not been widely identified by the market for they entering the market late .

  20. 近几年来,我国宏观经济运行中一般价格水平持续下降、经济增长速度持续下滑、货币投放速度放慢,这表明我国宏观经济已呈现出通货紧缩的特征。

    In recent years , chinese macro-economic operation has been experiencing a continuously declining of overall price level , a invariably downward trend of economic growth rate , and a slowdown of money supply , the combination of which signifies the existence of deflation .

  21. 多Agent拍卖研究中,我们一般根据价格确定资源的归属。

    In the study of multi agent auction , traditionally , resources are allocated according to price only .

  22. 连续统消费者集合下一种Leontief经济的生产价格和一般均衡价格

    A Leontief economy prodution price and general equilibrium Pricer with a continum of consumers

  23. 工程招投标中一般投标价格调整模型的研究

    Study on general price adjustment model in engineering bidding process

  24. 顾客一般认为价格是与质量紧密相连的。

    Buyers generally believe price is closely related to quality .

  25. 对于进口价格和一般商品价格而言,其影响的程度如何,影响的方式和渠道是什么,都成为考察的重点。

    For the import general commodity prices , the influence extent , influence channel have became the focus .

  26. 管制结构一般有价格帽,价格帽加成本传递、收入帽、收益率管制等。

    There are four forms of regulatory structures : price - cap regulation ? price caps with cost pass-through ?

  27. 行业协会价格卡特尔具有执行的牢固性,行为更具隐蔽性,并且和一般的价格卡特尔相比危害更为严重。

    Trade association price cartel has solid performance , more subtle behavior and more serious harm than general price cartel .

  28. 由于中国的原因,美国、欧洲的一般消费价格很可能也会跟着上涨,而不是下跌。

    Because of China , the average consumer prices in Europe and US is very likely to rise rather than drop .

  29. 但是嵌入式开发板一般来说价格比较昂贵,所以就有了嵌入式操作系统的仿真运行环境的概念。

    But many development boards are expensive , so someone brings forward the concept of the emulation environment of embedded operating system .

  30. 价值投资挑选买卖价格低于内在价值的投资方法。价值投资者一般选择价格对账面值比率或市盈率比市场平均低的股票。

    Value investing the process of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value . a value investor typically selects stocks with lower than average price-to-book or price-to-earning ratios .