
yī ɡuàn xìnɡ
  • consistency
  1. 你的行为缺乏一贯性。

    Your behaviour lacks consistency .

  2. 他们对付罪犯的方式没有一贯性。

    There is no consistency in the way they deal with offenders .

  3. 欧盟对于VoIP服务的规定在一定程度上体现了其技术中立的管制思路,便于管制政策之间的一贯性和衔接。

    EU demonstrates its ″ technology neutrality ″ regulatory approach towards VoIP service , which meets consistence in regulatory policy .

  4. 宜适当修订课程标准,会计课程规划一贯性。

    Standardize course offerings and plan a sequence of accounting courses .

  5. 教育见习:教师教育的一贯性

    Educational probation as a consistency of the teacher education

  6. 一贯性接纳行动对社交焦虑具有间接预测作用。

    Coherency acceptance action could indirectly predict social anxiety .

  7. 一贯性:例如:父母执行预先警告的惩罚的频度。

    Consistency : How often parents follow through with forewarned punishment , for instance .

  8. 人际关系在一贯性接纳行动和社交焦虑之间起完全中介作用。

    Interpersonal relationship is a partial mediation variable for coherency acceptance action and social anxiety .

  9. 比较文化的一贯性不可能被忽略。

    Cross-cultural consistencies can 't be ignored .

  10. 然后,你就会发现一贯性的力量。

    After you have done this you will have tapped into the power of consistency .

  11. 一贯性、果断性、自制性和坚韧性是个体道德意志品质的主要表现形式。

    Consistency , decisiveness , homemade sex and tenacity is individual moral character of main manifestation .

  12. 场认知方式,是个体在信息加工过程中表现出的个性化的和一贯性的偏好方式。

    Cognitive style , is the personal preference and consistent manner in the information processing performance .

  13. 但是美国有关隐私权保护的法律规范具有复杂性和非一贯性的特点,这是我们应当注意和避免的。

    But the U.S. legal norms relating to privacy with the characteristics of complexity and non-consistency .

  14. 一贯性和与时俱进的关系。

    Consistent and progressing with time .

  15. “一贯性”至关重要――尽管在我们总是互联的生活中,要保持始终如一是件很难的事情。

    Consistency is critical -- even though being consistent is difficult in our always-connected lives . '

  16. 质量评价主要考察资料的真实性,逻辑论证是否严密和前后一贯性。

    The quality evaluation included the validity of data , strictness and continuity of the logistic demonstration .

  17. 而区域政策的严肃性、一贯性和连续性,需要运用立法手段来保障。

    And the seriousness , consistency and continuity of regional policy need to be guaranteed through legislative means .

  18. 尽管企业可以选择不同的折旧方法,但都必须符合一贯性原则。

    Although businesses may choose different methods of depreciation , the principle of consistency should be kept to .

  19. 实际上,这种转变是有内在逻辑规律的,其政策也是一贯性的。

    In fact , the change of its policies reflected inherently logical rule , and its policies were coherent .

  20. 作为具备完结、统一的思想表达的载体,篇章要求其组成成分具备语义逻辑上的一贯性。

    As a unitary whole in expression , the text requires a consistence in semantic logic of all components .

  21. 这规则尽可能设计地愈清楚愈好,以确保所有学生能以一贯性的标准来评分。

    This rubric is designed to be as explicit as possible to ensure that all students are graded consistently .

  22. 他的观点缺乏一贯性:时而保守,时而开明。

    His views lack consistency : one day he 's a conservative , the next he 's a liberal .

  23. 你会处于要和你自己表明你能自信起来的这个逻辑要去保持一贯性的压力下。

    You will be under pressure to be consistent with your own logic that stated you can be confident .

  24. 他们关心的是用户对什么敏感、交互的一贯性以及整体的好用性。

    Their concern is what will make sense to the user , consistency of interaction , and overall usability .

  25. 要创造稳定的政治与社会环境,保持政策的确定性与一贯性;

    The government should maintain a steady political and social environment and keep the certainty and consistency of policies ;

  26. 但不幸的是,这种方法的有效性并不具有一贯性,因此我们不能说这是一种完美的方法。

    Unfortunately , this method hasn 't worked consistently , so we can 't say it 's been perfected .

  27. 水墨花鸟画既有内在文化基因的稳定性和一贯性,又具有外在形式的多变性和复杂性。

    Flower-and-bird ink and wash embraces both stability and consistency of internal culture and variability and complexity of external form .

  28. 中国人民银行表示,将实施稳健的货币政策,保持货币政策的一贯性和可持续性。

    The People 's Bank of China says it will implement a prudent monetary policy and keep it consistent and sustainable .

  29. 换句话说,良好关系的一贯性和志愿向善的特性被忠诚地表达在个体的整个生命之流里。

    In other words , the consistency of right relations and the will-to-good is expressed faithfully across the life stream of the individual .

  30. 我们认为一贯性捐献者可能会改变团队其他队员的风险知觉和行为,从而对团队合作起着催化剂的作用。

    We suggest that consistent contributors can act as catalysts for cooperation by altering the perceptions and actions of their fellow group members .