
  • 网络mathematical crisis
  1. 第一次数学危机及其哲学分析

    Resorting to Philosophy to Give an Analysis of the First Mathematical Crisis

  2. 第二次数学危机在现有科学理论体系中是不可解的

    The Second Mathematical Crisis is Unsolvable in Human 's Present Science Theory

  3. 用第2次数学危机加强学生对无穷小的理解

    Using the 2nd crisis to strengthen students ' understanding of infinitesimal

  4. 无穷小问题与第二次数学危机

    On the infinitesimal mystery and the second mathematical crisis

  5. 重新认识第二次数学危机

    A Fresh Understanding on the Second Mathematical Crisis

  6. 无定义的实无穷概念是第三次数学危机的真正根源

    The Non-defined Actual Infinity Concept Is the Very Source of The Third Mathematical Crises

  7. 关于数学危机的再思考

    Re-thinking about " mathematics crisis "

  8. 他们还指出,这可能是导致英国日益严重的数学危机的原因,在英国,成人算术水平相对较低,而且还在恶化。

    They also point out it may be contributing to a growing maths crisis in the UK , where the level of adult numeracy is relatively low and getting worse .

  9. 以唯物辩证法的观点,结合数学三次危机中所出现的悖论,从总体上对数学悖论的成因、实质及其哲学意义进行了阐明。

    Form the point of materialist dialectics , the origin , essence and philosophical meaning of mathematical paradox is discussed on the whole in the light of the paradoxes that appear in three mathematical crises .

  10. 而数学悖论和数学危机的解决,又给数学带来革命性的发展。

    At the same time mathematical paradox and its resolution brought forth revolutionized mathematical development .

  11. 数学史上出现的三次数学危机,与其说是数学的危机,不如说是数学哲学的危机。

    Three mathematic crises in mathematics history is philosophic mathematic crisis rather than mathematic crisis .

  12. 数学真理是相对真理&从第二次数学危机谈起

    Mathematical truth is a relative truth & Talking from second mathematics crisis

  13. 从数学系统中的标度性看三次数学危机

    The Reflection of Three Mathematic Crises by the Function of Metrizability in Mathematics System

  14. 数学基础理论中这个致命缺陷是导致第二次与第三次数学危机的最根本原因。

    This fatal defect in the foundation of mathematics causes all the troubles and paradoxes related to the second and the third mathematical crises .