
guǐ biàn
  • sophistry;sophism;quibble;casuistry;special pleading;carp;cavil
诡辩 [guǐ biàn]
  • [sophism;carp;cavil;quibble] 颠倒是非黑白的议论

  • (张仪)如 楚,又因厚币用事者 臣靳尚,而设诡辩于 怀王之宠姬 郑袖。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

诡辩[guǐ biàn]
  1. 政治选举更多地取决于诡辩的能力,而不在于是否懂经济。

    Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy .

  2. 他理屈词穷,只好求助于诡辩。

    As he had a weak case and could not defend himself , he had to resort to sophistry .

  3. 国务卿已被那些诡辩之词给说服了。

    The Secretary of State has given in to special pleading .

  4. 任何诡辩也不能证明一国干涉别国内政是正当的。

    No amount of sophistry can justify one country 's intervention in the internal affairs of another country .

  5. 我认为目前情况已经变得很糟糕,有很多误解和误导性信息,很多古人会称之为诡辩的东西。

    I think that things have become very gloomy these day , lots of misunderstanding , misleading cues , a lot of what the ancients would have called sophistry .

  6. 我没有被他的诡辩骗倒。

    I wasn 't taken in by his sophism .

  7. 宣传的模式是投机取巧的,诡辩是可恶性的

    The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious .

  8. 五月公布的一项发人深思的调查《女性幸福感下降之诡辩》(TheParadoxofDecliningFemaleHappiness)提出了上述问题。

    That 's the question raised by a thought-provoking study , 'The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness , 'released last month .

  9. 这在一定程度上是一种伪装成重要学术争论的诡辩。

    This is small-scale quibbling masquerading as a major doctrinal dispute .

  10. 这种诡辩并没有把利文斯顿和他的朋友难倒。

    Such a quibble did not trouble Livingston and his friends .

  11. 但是在战术上考虑,达到并诡辩。

    But in terms of tactics , reach , and sophistication .

  12. 一个愚昧时代的种种纷繁复杂的谬论和诡辩。

    The complex falsities and sophistries of an unwise age .

  13. 诡辩者的学堂,和博学者的宗族;

    At the sophist schools , and the learned clan ;

  14. 他们中的多数人认为,这是一种诡辩。

    Most of them felt that this was special pleading .

  15. 善用诡辩、滑稽、幽默的口才艺术;

    The eloquence for their sophistry , fun and humour ;

  16. 不要听信这些既得利益者的诡辩。

    Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests .

  17. 识破诡辩的“附会”把戏

    See through the trick of pettifogging " fu hui "

  18. 在该组织内部再次强调了各种诡辩方法。

    The emphasis is once more on jesuitical methods within the organisation .

  19. 诡辩家:擅长或喜欢诡辩的人。

    Casuist : a person who is expert in or given to casuistry .

  20. 诡辩是一种特殊的负面思维形式。

    Sophistry is a kind of special negative thought .

  21. 我感到我的诡辩毫无必要了。

    I felt no need for these sophistries .

  22. 中国先秦与古希腊诡辩术之比较

    Contrast between sophistry in ancient Greece and that in the pre-Qin days in China

  23. 大学使才智偏于诡辩和矫情。

    Universities incline wits to sophistry and affection .

  24. 现在的学生比以前的藏在铅笔盒里的纸片作弊拥有更多的诡辩欺骗作弊的选择。

    Students now have more sophisticated options than just cheat sheets hidden in pencil boxes .

  25. 石油企业的诡辩应该休矣

    Enough of Sophism by the Petroleum Enterprises

  26. 结束你那愚蠢的诡辩。

    Have done with your foolish quibbling .

  27. 法庭论辩中的诡辩与驳斥

    The Refutation And Sophistry During Court Debate

  28. 怕就怕为了面子,牵强附会,诡辩却无法自圆其说。

    Fear of fear in order to face and far-fetched , but could not justify sophistry .

  29. 许多政客都是狡猾的诡辩家。

    Many politicians are cunning sophists .

  30. 有的人诡辩,出言可恶,他必将缺乏各种食物。

    He that speaketh sophistically , is hateful : he shall be destitute of every thing .