
  • 网络Latin Literature
  1. 大陆游学的旅行者通常是一个年轻人,他不仅在希腊和拉丁文学方面拥有扎实的基础,还有一些闲暇时间,一些手段,以及一些对艺术的兴趣。

    The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time , some means , and some interest in art .

  2. 我高一的时候拉丁文学得不错,所以新学年推荐给我的荣誉课程就包括了古希腊语和中文。

    I had gotten good grades in Latin class in my freshman year , so the honors course recommended for me for the coming school year included ancient Greek and Chinese .

  3. 诗人乔叟在欧洲中世纪文学进入现代文学的转折过程中发挥了重要作用,他广泛借鉴了法国、意大利、拉丁文学传统,结合英语语言的特点,开创了英国文学的传统。

    Chaucer played an important role in the transition period from medieval literature to modern literature . He incorporated French , Italian , and Latin literary traditions into English literature and founded English literature tradition .

  4. 略论拉丁美洲文学爆炸

    Comment on the BOOM in Spanish American Literature

  5. 在拉丁美洲文学发展史上,文学爆炸的十年达到了拉丁美洲西班牙语文学发展的顶锋,实现了前所未有的文学繁荣。

    During the development of literature history of Latin American literature , the decade BOOM in Spanish American Literature reached its culmination and realized unprecedented literature prosperity .

  6. 阿莱霍·卡彭铁尔是古巴20世纪最重要的作家,在当代拉丁美洲文学史上可以与加西亚·马尔克斯、豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯、巴尔加斯·略萨等大家相提并论。

    Alejo Carpentier , the most important writer in the 20th century of Cuba , was a key figure of the modern Latin American Literature along with Jorge Luis Borges , Garcia Marquez and Vargas Llosa .

  7. 从那时起,拉丁美洲的文学不过是照搬欧洲模式。

    After that , a lot of Latin American literature merely aped European models .