
  1. 论法律制度安排与法律实施成本

    Research on the Legal System Arrangement and the Law Enforcement Costs

  2. 德沃金解释论法律思想研究

    A Research on the Law Thoughts of Dworkin 's Interpretation Theory

  3. 略论法律信仰现代化的内涵及意义

    On the Connotation and Significance of the Modernization of Legal Faith

  4. 论法律全球化与完善反恐怖主义国际立法

    On Law Globalization and Perfecting International Legislation on Anti - terrorism

  5. 论法律援助法的总则构建

    On the Construction of the General Part of Legal Aid Law

  6. 论法律中的公共利益我国环境民事公益诉讼制度立法浅探

    Legal System of Civil Action for Public Interests of the Environment

  7. 论法律与技术政策、技术伦理的协同对策&以技术法律控制边界为视角

    The Synergetic Countermeasures between Law and Technical Policy , Technical Ethics

  8. 论法律行为制度的精要及缺失检讨

    Essence of Legal Act System and Self-criticism of Its Lacking

  9. 论法律正义的成因和实现

    Comment on the Contributing Factors and Realization of Legal Justice

  10. 论法律上的差别对待日语中的性别歧视语

    On the Discrimination of Law The Sexist Language in Japanese

  11. 论法律至上的理念

    On the Idea of " law is the highest "

  12. 论法律规范的结构&从规范论的视角分析

    Structure of Legal Norms in the Perspective of the Theory of Norms

  13. 论法律与理性的关系

    On the relationship of the rationality and the law

  14. 论法律人格与人格权的发展

    Legal Personality and the Development of Right of Personality

  15. 论法律制度对公司治理的影响

    The influence of law and institution on corporate governance

  16. 论法律援助费用承担(上)

    On the Bearing of the Legal Aid Service Charge ( Part 1 )

  17. 论法律形成的动力基础

    On the Dynamic Foundation of the Formation of Laws

  18. 论法律文化的内部冲突及其整合

    On the Internal Conflict and Integration of Legal Culture

  19. 论法律规范中伦理价值的异化及归同

    On divergence and return of ethic value in law

  20. 论法律关系客体及其价值

    On The Object In Legal Relationships And Its Value

  21. 论法律风险与畜产品生产者的质量安全选择

    View about law risk and safety of animal products

  22. 论法律作用下的社会团结的两种形态

    Two Forms of Social Solidarity Under the Legal Effect

  23. 论法律文化的实质内涵

    On Law Culture and It 's Essential Connotation

  24. 论法律中的事实问题

    Problems and Legal Solution to Chinese University 's Self - running On Legal Facts

  25. 论法律英语句法的文体特征

    The Stylistic Features of Syntax in Legal English

  26. 论法律文书语言的构成

    On Constitution of the Language of Legal Documents

  27. 论法律意义上的资本保全

    A Discussion on Capital Maintenance from Legal Perspective

  28. 论法律人格内涵的历史沿革

    On Historical Reforms of Connotation of Lawful Personality

  29. 论法律的宗教性&兼解读伯尔曼的《法律与宗教》

    ON RELIGION OF LAW : Simultaneously Interpretation of Berman s Law and Religion ;

  30. 论法律解释及分类

    On the Interpretation and Classification of the Law