
lùn lǐ
  • logic;normally;have it out;as things should be;reason things out
论理 [lùn lǐ]
  • [reason things out;have it out] 讲道理;论说道理

  • 把他找来论论理

  • [logic] 逻辑

  • 合乎论理

  • [normally;as things should be] 按一般常理和道理来说

  • 论理她早可以退休了

论理[lùn lǐ]
  1. 依照学校章程,文法学院学生应该在物理,化学,生物,论理四门之中,选修一门。

    According to the school regulations , students in the College of Letters and Law had to choose one course among Physics , Chemistry , Biology , and Logic .

  2. 论理学是“废话”,教论理学的人当然是“废物”,“只是个副教授”,而且不属于任何系的。

    Logic was " rubbish ," and so naturally the person teaching logic was a piece of " trash . " he was " nothing but an associate professor ," who belonged to no department besides .

  3. 论理他早该回家了。

    He should have come home long ago .

  4. 我要跟他论一论理。

    I 'll try and reason with him .

  5. 论理她早可以退休了,可是她仍然坚持工作。

    She really ought to have retired long ago , but she 's still working .

  6. 这论理学生打算快迅速地记录下来下这位商贾的美国运通卡的金额

    The student considers jotting down the number of the businessman 's American Express card .

  7. 基于SCM理论的中医人才培养模式优化理论研究论理工科院校人才培养中的美学教育

    Chinese Medicine Talent Training Mode Optimization Theory Study Based on the SCM Theory

  8. 论理工科院校校园英语环境的建设

    Construction of Campus English Environment in Universities of Science and Technology

  9. 论理工科学生加强人文科学知识学习的必要性

    On necessity of strengthening knowledge of humanities for students of engineering

  10. 论理工科院校大学英语教学中的文学导入

    On Literature Introduction of English Teaching in Science and Technology Colleges

  11. 论理工类学生产品设计意识培养的必要性

    Training Necessity of Consciousness of Product Design on Science and Engineering Student

  12. 论理雅各《道德经》译本的翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies of James Legge 's Tao Te Ching

  13. 演化经济学实证分析方法的论理结构研究

    On the Positivist 's Logical Structure of Evolutionary Economics

  14. 朱熹理一分殊思想对当代建立全球普遍论理的意义

    Significance of ZHU Xis Universal Variety Thought in Establishing Global Ethics in General

  15. 论理工科大学非英语专业学生的翻译能力培养

    Nurturing the translating capability of non-English majors in universities of science and engineering

  16. 部分弟子传承墨子注重逻辑、推理论证的思想,因应时势转变为论理名家。

    Some of Mo Tzu 's disciples inherited his dialectics and became great polemicists .

  17. “论理,人来客至回话,却不与我相干。”

    " Strictly speaking , it 's not my job to announce visitors . "

  18. 伯爵夫人别祖霍娃论理应当享有迷人的女人的声誉。

    Countess Bezuhov had some right to her reputation of being a fascinating woman .

  19. 环境论理学的目的性理论,是把意识的价值还原到自然的价值上去。

    The intention theory of environmental ethic should return consciousness value to natural value .

  20. 根本无法与我父亲论理。

    There 's no arguing with my father .

  21. 论理工类高职院校体育教学模式的选择

    On the Choice of PE Teaching Model in Science and Engineering Higher Vocational Colleges

  22. 论理工高校文科学报的发展

    On the Development of Journal of Liberal Arts in Universities of Science and Technology

  23. 读《本体刑法学》试论我国刑法学从论理到注释的发展

    On the Development in the Science of Criminal law from Theoretical Study to Annotation

  24. 析论理雅各对《孟子》中些许成语典故的翻译

    An Assessment of James Legge 's Translations of Some Idioms and Allusions in Mencius

  25. 拥有成熟的特殊的职业论理观念,与社会主流意识保持良好互动关系。

    Having matured special professional ethical conception , keeping good relationship with social mainstream ideology .

  26. 二是对经济体系演化的论理结构做出独特的安排。

    The second is to arrange the logical structure for explaining the economic system evolution .

  27. 论理工科专业课教学中渗入标准化概念的意义

    The Meaning to Joining Standardization Idea to the Specialty Teaching of Science and Technology Subject

  28. 和我论理全然没用,她哭起来了。

    As it got her nowhere to discuss it with me she started to cry .

  29. 论理工科高等数学分层次教学

    On Higher Mathematics Teaching at Different Level

  30. 言论要富有情感,论理透彻,语言既要准确又要生动。

    Moreover , emotional and penetrating argument must be needed together with accurate and vivid language .