
  1. 论坛经济能走多远

    How Far Can Forum Economy Go

  2. 论坛经济时代

    Form of Economy age

  3. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  4. 去年的这个时候,第二届亚洲金融论坛在全球经济不景气的背景下召开。

    The second AFF took place this time last year amid global economic turmoil .

  5. 博鳌亚洲论坛就是亚洲经济体为了共同发展而成立的非政府的国际组织。

    BOAO Forum for Asia is such a non-governmental international organization set up by Asian economic entity for the purpose of common development .

  6. 理查德现在把一些将在达沃斯论坛讨论的经济问题类比作流行的消遣。

    Richard Quest now has an analogy comparing some of the economic issues that will be discussed at Davos to a popular pastime .

  7. 英语流利的他还经常参加全球政策辩论论坛,如世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)。

    He also speaks fluent English and often frequented global policy debate forums such as the World Economic Forum .

  8. 国内首届RFID技术高峰论坛会在清华经济管理学院国际报告厅圆满召开,此次会议为期三天。

    The domestic first session " 2006 International RFID Technology Summit Forum " was convened completely at international report hall of Tsinghua Economy Management School . This conference lasted three days .

  9. 今年在开普敦举行的三天论坛重点讨论世界经济下滑和如何减轻世界经济下滑对非洲的影响。南非总统祖马星期三在非洲世界经济论坛开幕式上讲话,告诉各代表团他们是在艰难的时刻开会。

    South Africa 's President Jacob Zuma Wednesday opened the World Economic Forum on Africa telling delegates that they were meeting in difficult times .

  10. 今年在开普敦举行的三天论坛重点讨论世界经济下滑和如何减轻世界经济下滑对非洲的影响。

    The three days of discussions in Cape Town this year are focused primarily on the world economic downturn and how to lessen its effect on African economies .

  11. 本次论坛以塑造未来经济为主题,反映了大家对推动可持续发展的远见卓识,对开创世界经济光明未来的迫切期待,具有很强的针对性和重要的现实意义。

    The theme of the forum for this year Creating the Future Economy is highly relevant and practical . It reflects your vision on sustainable development and meets the high expectation for a bright future of the world economy .

  12. 博鳌论坛秘书长李保东表示,他期待这次论坛能够解决世界经济现在面临的一系列挑战。

    Forum Secretary-General Li Baodong says he expects the event will address many of the challenges facing the world economy .