
  • 网络Demonstration method;mode of argument;justification version
  1. 本文对测试中反映的网络身份认证不足之处,指出了进一步完善的方向,将目前流行的证书论证方式应用于P2P-VPN组网架构,使网络身份认证更加健壮,从而进一步完善P2P-VPN组网架构。

    To solve the problem of network authentication reflected in the test , the direction of improvement , applying the certificate proof to the P2P-VPN network Framework , is pointed out , which can make the network authentication more robust .

  2. 闭合论是怀疑主义的重要论证方式。

    Closure theory is an important argument form of skepticism .

  3. 权力合法性论证方式的历史性转变

    The Historical Changes of the Styles of Justifying Power

  4. 本文主要采用论述分析和个案研究的论证方式。

    This paper uses discourse analysis and a case study of the argument .

  5. 这个特点应归因于司马迁归纳的论证方式,也就是说,是由其史学家的特质决定的。

    This characteristic should be ascribed to the method of induction usually employed by historians .

  6. 清代成案的效力和其运用中的论证方式&以《刑案汇览》为中心

    Leading Cases in the Qing Dynasty : Legal Effect and Method of Justification in Its Application

  7. 我指出他的论证方式是错误的,我强调他的知识是欠缺的。

    I pointed out the faultiness of his reasoning and emphasised the deficiency of his knowledge .

  8. 同时,库恩用类比作为主要的论证方式也是缺乏说服力的。

    At the same time , his methods of reasoning by analogy are short of convincing .

  9. 和边沁一样,奥斯丁也抛弃了社会契约这种非科学的、不可验证的论证方式。

    As Bentham , Austin abandoned the " social contract ", thinking it as such an non-scientific , non-validated reasoning .

  10. 闭合论不是重言式&当代西方知识论对怀疑主义的重要论证方式的批判

    The Closure Theory of Knowledge Is Not Tautology : Criticism of Contemporary Western Epistemology on the Important Mode of Skeptical Argument

  11. 既然逻辑是形而上学的论证方式,那么康德对传统形而上学的批判实质上就是批判传统的逻辑。

    Given that logic is the reasoning method of metaphysics , Kant 's critique of metaphysics is essentially the critique of logic .

  12. 此论证方式也适用于电阻网络等其他二进制加权网络的精度计算。

    The method can also be applied in the analysis of other binary weighted network , such as resistor network and so on .

  13. 虽然他的学说或多或少还存在一些缺陷,但无可置疑他的论证方式和逻辑结构都能引起我们的思考。

    Although his theory of conscience has more or less shortcomings , it is no doubt that his argument and logical structure can raise our thinking .

  14. 通过理论模型论证方式分析电子商务税收流失的影响,用理论模型论证方式,这是本文的另一种研究方法。

    Analysis of data and charts constitutes a research method in this article . Theoretical model is used to analyze the affect of tax revenue loss under E-commerce .

  15. 在数学定理的证明中我们并不需要太多的“变数”,“各种情况的列举”实际上是一种更无趣的数学论证方式。

    We do not want many'variations'in the proof of a mathematical theorem : 'enumeration of cases ' , indeed , is one of the duller forms of mathematical argument .

  16. 甄别属于马克思自己的问题、思路、论证方式和理论架构,准确把握其思想;

    To discriminate the problems , train of thought , methods of argument , and the structure of theory of Marx himself , furthermore , to grasp Marx 's thought ;

  17. 吕书还善于从简单而有趣的事例中阐述深奥的道理,这种深入浅出的论证方式在本文中也略有展现。

    Lv book is also good at telling us the profound truth from simple and interesting examples , such simple terms of reasoning is also demonstrated in this article slightly .

  18. 根据对善与正当这两个基本道德价值范畴在价值位阶上的区分,规范伦理学可以区分为目的论与义务论这两种价值论证方式。

    According to the distinction on the value order between these two basic moral value categories of " good " and " right ", Normative ethics can be distinguished into two value argument methods as Teleology and Deontology .

  19. 研究中获得的发现是:目前的科教电视节目的编导思路沿用了传统的说理论证方式,以理说理,逻辑性强,但普遍缺乏可看性因而收视率差强人意。

    Something is found in the research , the writing and directing thought of the science-educational TV programs adopt the traditional way of expatiating . Although it is pretty logical , it lacks of contents so that audience rating is so low .

  20. 司法裁判普遍性、公开性、公正性的要求与三段论论证方式有着天然的契合,加之在理性主义思潮驱动下的法典编纂活动,司法三段论逐渐成为主导性的司法裁判模式。

    The universality of the administration of justice , openness , fairness demands and syllogistic reasoning there is a natural fit , combined with the rationalist thought , driven by the " codification " activities , judicial syllogism has gradually become the dominant mode of administration of justice .

  21. 另一种乱用演绎论证的方式是从一个错误的前提进行论证。

    Another way to screw up a deductive argument is by arguing from a false premise .

  22. 由体现合作原则的方式准则可以引出评估论证的方式有效性标准和简洁有效性标准。

    Criterion of manner from principle of cooperation can introduce manner validity and concise validity for evaluating argument .

  23. 在科学教育中运用论证的方式来开展教与学的活动是当前国际科学教育研究的热点问题。

    Using argumentation for teaching and learning science is a hot research question in current international science education research field .

  24. 长期以来,立法部门主要是通过立法前以及立法过程中的调查、论证等方式来提高立法质量。

    Over the years , legislative branch mainly improve the quality of legislation through investigation and studies in the legislative process .

  25. 所谓法律修辞学,是指在法律领域里,通过论证的方式达到说服为目的交往行为理论。

    The so-called legal rhetoric means in the legal field , the communication action for the purpose of persuasion through the way of argumentation .

  26. 本文结合我国当前具体的法律法规,采用比较研究、分析论证的方式,以此两起案例为视角展开对收受坐牢补偿费所引发的法律问题进行论述。

    This paper discusses the legal problems caused by accepting the prison compensation , combined with the way of comparative research and analytic demonstration .

  27. 而修辞学就是一门以形式逻辑推理为后盾,通过各种论证的方式达到说服目的的理论。

    The rhetoric , however , is such a theory that it depends on the formal logic , and reaches the aim of persuading by various ways .

  28. 摘要汉儒董仲舒在《春秋繁露》中,主要运用了类比论证的方式将儒家“天人合一”思想系统化、理论化。

    Dong Zhong-shu chiefly employed the method of analogy to systematize and theorize the Confucian theory of man is an integral part of nature in " chunqiu fanlu " .

  29. 通过运用这种实例论证的方式,整理出有实际应用价值的精益改善方法,对今后国产大飞机项目实施精益生产管理提供可借鉴的经验。

    By using the instance canalization can sort out the valuable method of lean improvements , and also can give the experience to china large aircraft project which will implement the lean manufacturing management the future .

  30. 这样的观点可能并不是标新立异的,但笔者希望自己思考和论证的方式能够给我国软件立法的争论带来一点启示。

    Though this point of view isn 't new and original to some extent , but the way of thinking and demonstration may bring around some enlightens to the dispute of legislation law protection to computer software .