
  • 网络forest musk deer;moschus berezovskii;M. berezovskii
  1. 林麝、马麝及梅花鹿活化素基因βA亚基成熟肽序列的克隆和分析

    Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Activin Gene β _A Subunit Mature Peptides from Forest Musk Deer , Alpine Musk Deer and Spotted Deer

  2. 林麝肺炎及化脓性疾病的病理组织学观察

    Histopathological Observations of Forest Musk Deer Died in Pneumonia and Suppurative Diseases

  3. 种群存活率曲线呈C型,说明林麝的死亡主要发生在幼麝时期。

    The survivorship curve indicates that the most death happened in fawn period .

  4. 林麝IL-2细胞因子的克隆、表达和纯化

    Clone , Expression and Purification of Interleukin-2 from Moschus berezovskii

  5. 结果表明林麝IL-2开放阅读框全长468bp,编码155个氨基酸。

    It showed that the length of M.berezovskii IL-2 was 468 bp , coding 155 amino acids .

  6. 序列分析表明,林麝IL-2及其受体结合域与水牛的高度保守,而在翻译后修饰的预测活性位点上和水牛的有所不同。

    Sequence analysis of IL-2 showed that it had high homology with that of bubalus bubalis , except the difference of post-translational modification .

  7. 林麝及马麝SRY基因片段克隆及其在系统进化分析中的应用

    Cloning of SRY Gene from Moschus berezovskii and M.chrysogaster and Its Application in Phylogenetic Analysis

  8. 林麝麝香气相色谱指纹图谱研究及麝香质量鉴别基于同步荧光光谱和GC-MS指纹特征的溢油鉴别方法研究

    The Establishment of Gas Chromatography Fingerprint in Musk and Its Identification ; Characterization and Identification of Spilled Oils Using Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  9. 人工饲养条件下,林麝15~18个月龄可达性成熟,性成熟体重5~6kg,雌性性成熟略早于雄性1~2个月;

    Under the artificial breeding conditions , the age of sexual maturity averages 15 to 18 months with live weight of 5 to 6 kilograms . The male musk reach on puberty later 1 to 2 months than the females .

  10. 采用3种稀释液配方进行林麝冷冻保存试验。

    Three extender used in frozen forest musk semen were studied .

  11. 利用气相色谱/质谱联用分析林麝麝香中麝香酮和甾类成分

    Quantitative Analysis of Musk Components by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  12. 圈养林麝幼仔的时间分配和行为发育

    Time budget and development of behavior in penned musk deer fawn

  13. 陕西省家养林麝资源现状与分析研究

    Present situation and analysis of Shaanxi domestic musk deer resources

  14. 饲料营养对林麝麝香产量和品质的影响

    Nutrition influence on musk secretion of breeding musk deer

  15. 林麝躯干骨的解剖

    Truncal bones dissection of Moschus berezovskii

  16. 林麝染色体制备方法及核型与G-带带型研究

    Studies on the Karyotype and Chromosomal G-Banding of Musk Deer ( Moschus berezovskii ) with a New Method

  17. 饲粮能量、粗朊和氨基酸水平对林麝麝香产量的影响

    Effects of Different Levels of Energy , Crude protein and Amino Acid Diet on Musk output of Musk Deer

  18. 横断山脉北部林麝的种群生态研究

    A study on the population ecology of forest musk deer ( moschus berezovskii ) at the north of Hengduan Mountains

  19. 林麝;紫柏山自然保护区;种群密度;栖息地利用;植物群落结构;恢复。

    Moschus berezovskii ; Zibaishan Nature Reserve ; Population density ; Winter habitat use ; Structural characteristics of plant community ; Restoration .

  20. 运用大体解剖学方法,对3头林麝的躯干骨进行了研究,并与牛羊躯干骨作了比较。

    The truncal bones of 3 Moschus berezovskii were studied with general dissection method and compared with the truncal bones of cattle and sheep .

  21. 雄性林麝的麝香囊腺分泌的麝香在医药和香水行业具有非常重要的作用。

    The secretion from the preputial gland of the male deer , the musk , plays an important role in the medicine and the perfume industry .

  22. 此外,系统发育分析表明跨物种进化是维持林麝各个座位基因多态性的主要机制之一。

    The phylogenetic analysis showed the trans-species evolution was an important mechanism to maintain the polymorphism of the forest musk deer MHC ⅱ genes . 5 .

  23. 上海地区引种林麝取得成功后,首次进行了饲料营养对麝香产量和品质影响的研究。试验麝饲养在上海市郊崇明岛东平林场,进行分期对比试验。

    The first study of nutrition effect on musk secretion in musk deer ( Moschus berezovskii ) was performed after they were introduced into Shanghai , China .

  24. 在上海新杨养麝实验场,对1998~2003年饲养繁殖的林麝进行繁殖生理和繁殖性能的观察研究。

    This study was carried out to investigate the reproduction physiology and reproductive performance of forest musk deer on the Shanghai Xinyang experimental farm of musk deer .

  25. 圈养林麝遗传多样性及泌香性能关联标记的分析研究

    Assessment of Genetic Diversity in the Captive Forest Musk Deer ( Moschus Berezovskii ) and Linkage Analysis between the Performance of Musk Productivity and DNA Molecular Markers

  26. 林麝生境的主要特征表现为人为干扰、坡向、倒木和树桩密度、基底岩石面积比等方面。

    Human disturbance , slope aspect , the density of fall log and stub and rock percent sum up the main habitat characteristic of the forest musk deer .