
lín mù cǎi fá xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • permit for felling of forest trees
  1. 辽宁省林木采伐许可证信息管理系统的设计

    Design of the Felling License Information Management System for Liaoning Province

  2. 浅议征占用林地中林木采伐许可证的办理问题

    Preliminary Discussion on Handling of Forest felling Licenses in Occupation and Requisition of Forestland

  3. 关于林木采伐许可证有关规定的法律思考

    About Regulations of Timber Concession

  4. 现阶段我国林木采伐许可证制度存在的问题主要有:申请范围不明确、审核机制不完善、监督管理机制的缺失等。

    At present The license of forest harvest has this problem : review mechanism imperfect 、 management lack of the mechanism .

  5. 论违法发放林木采伐许可证罪空白要素的认定

    The Determination of the Blank Essential Factors of the Crime in Violation of the Forestry Law to Issues Timber Felling Permits

  6. 包括违法发放林木采伐许可证罪、徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪等罪名。

    Including the crime of illegal tree cutting licenses issued , play favouritism and commit irregularities not handing over criminal cases and other charges .

  7. 伪造林木采伐许可证、木材运输证件、批准出口文件、允许进出口证明书的,依法追究刑事责任。

    In case of forging the tree cutting license , timber transport documentation , export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate , the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with .

  8. 虽然在林木采伐许可证实施的过程中,林木采伐情况实现了好转,但是违法采伐的情况时有发生,林业采伐形势依然很严峻。

    Although in implement of the license of forest harvest , the forest tree cutting conditions achieved improved , but not according to legal provisions of logging is to happen from time to time , forestry situation is still very serious .