
  • 网络Linxi county
  1. 大兴安岭南麓山地丘陵区生态?生产范式研究&以内蒙古林西县为例

    Optimized eco-productive paradigm of hilly landscapes in the southern piedmont region of Daxing ' anling Mountain & A case study of Linxi County , Inner Mongolia

  2. 林西县是我国北方农牧交错带的典型地区,由于长期的过度放牧、垦荒和采矿,加上人口增长和城市化发展,生态问题比较突出。

    Linxi county is a typical example in this area . Due to long-term over-grazing , wasteland reclaiming and mining , plus population growth and the urbanization , ecological problems in Linxi County become very prominent .

  3. 本文对内蒙古林西县井沟子遗址西区墓地出土的春秋&战国时期的颅骨进行了人类学的考察,该组颅骨在种族特征上可归入现代亚洲蒙古人种中的北亚人种范围。

    In this article , twenty ancient human skulls ( 9 male , 11 female ) unearthed from the Spring and Autumn-Warring states period cemetery at the Jinggouzi site in Linxi county , Inner Mongolia , were studied .

  4. 利用主成分分析确定各评价指标的相对权重,定量确定了林西县生态脆弱程度,提出了林西县生态脆弱性评价等级划分方法。

    We proposed the rating system for the ecological vulnerability in Linxi county , using the major component analysis method to determine the relative weight of each indicator , thus quantitatively determining the level of ecological vulnerability in the county .