
  • 网络bachu county;Maralbexi County
  1. 1966年新疆巴楚县出血热病研究报告Ⅲ.新疆巴楚出血热流行病学研究

    Report of Investigation on Hemorrhagic Fever in Bachu County , Xinjiang , in 1966 ⅲ . Investigation on Epidemiology of Hemorrhagic Fever in Bachu

  2. 塔里木盆地西北缘巴楚县的塘王城剖面是大理岩化作用较为典型的野外剖面,塔中地区的中16井是揭示大理岩化作用较为典型的钻井。

    Marmorization is typical on the Tangwangcheng outcrop section in Bachu county at the northwestern margin of Tarim Basin and in cores from Well Zhong-16 in the Tazhong area .

  3. 研究了主产于新疆南部巴楚县的珍稀名贵野生食用菌巴楚蘑菇的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪与脂肪酸及矿质元素含量与组成。

    The contents and varieties of nutritive component of the famous , rare mushroom which is mainly produced in Bachu county of the South of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region such as protein , amino acid , fat , fatty acid and mineral elements were studied .