
  • 网络Le Parisien
  1. 法国《巴黎人报》则专门刊登了一幅充满凄凉气氛的漫画,上面描绘了被人们随手丢弃的南瓜,一家看上去孤零零的餐厅门口空无一人,该漫画的标题便是“万圣节已死”。

    The daily Le Parisien painted a desolate picture of abandoned pumpkins and sorry displays in isolated restaurant doorways and declared " Halloween is dead " .

  2. 她告诉法国《巴黎人报》,尽管在2008年之后,出于现实原因布吕尼没有继续演出或者发唱片,但她现在正计划举行一系列演出,并发布最新专辑。

    She told Le Parisien that while Bruni had not performed or recorded for practical reasons since 2008 , she was now planning a series of shows and a new album .

  3. 周日,哈里斯互动(harrisinteractive)为《巴黎人报》(leparisien)所做的民调显示,49%的受访者希望卡恩有一天能重返法国政坛,而45%的受访者表示反对。

    A Harris Interactive poll for Le Parisien newspaper on Sunday found that 49 per cent of those surveyed wanted the former French economy minister to return to French politics one day , with 45 per cent against .

  4. 法国卫生部长玛丽索尔·图雷纳(MarisolTouraine)在周四接受《巴黎人报》(LeParisien)采访时,给出了类似的说法,称病毒进入欧洲的风险很低,并表示目前在欧洲没有发现任何病情记录。

    The French minister of health , Marisol Touraine , offered a similar assessment in an interview with the daily newspaper Le Parisien on Thursday , saying the risk of importing the virus into Europe was low , and that no such case had thus far been documented .

  5. 据《巴黎人报》报道,布里吉特在这一集时长三分钟的短片里本色出演,预计将于周六晚20:45播出。

    Brigitte plays her self in the three minute episode , which is set to be aired on Saturday at 20:45 , reports La Parisien .

  6. “他是一个很有爱心的人,”特拉克塞尔夫人对《巴黎人报》记者说,并形容她和希拉克一家住在一起的日子就像神仙故事那样美好。

    " He 's a man of heart ," Mrs Traxel told Le Parisien newspaper , describing her time with the Chirac family as " a fairy tale " .