
  • 网络lithospheric fault;lithospheric fracture
  1. 南海是由岩石圈断裂所围限的陆缘地堑断块。

    South China Sea is a marginal graben block bounded by crustal faults .

  2. 团结山金铜矿位于环太平洋金成矿带西侧,完达山活动带南端的同江-虎林岩石圈断裂与大和镇壳断裂的交汇处。

    The TuanJie Mountain Copper-gold mine occurred in litmusless and acidic lava around Pacific Ocean in lower of Cretaceous .

  3. 沂沭断裂带是一条岩石圈断裂,有着悠久的演化历史,在中生代受库拉板块和太平洋板块运动作用,发展成为裂谷式断裂系统。

    Yi-Shu fault is a lithosphere fracture belt with a long history , which formed a rift fracture system by the effect of the Kula plate and the Pacific plate movement during Mesozoic .

  4. 该区怒江断裂带发生着明显的地幔脱气作用,显示该断裂带与地幔相连通且深度达到上地幔,为一条岩石圈深断裂带;

    Nujiang suture zone takes place obvious mantle degasification that shows the suture zone ' depth reaches the upper mantle and it 's a lithosphere deep seated fault zone .

  5. 数值计算表明,地球内热积累产生的热膨胀是岩石圈深大断裂的力源,日月引潮力等是岩石圈反复蠕变积累能量后产生大规模运动的力源。

    The numerical calculation demonstrates that the thermal expansion from integrated inner geotherm is the force source of deep fault and the tide-generating force is the force soure of lithosphere movement of large scale integrated by repeated creep .

  6. 发现了四条岩石圈级深大断裂,特别是大别舟山断裂与滨海桐庐隐伏深断裂是近期研究所得。

    There are four deep and large lithospheric faults , and two of them , buried deep faults of Dabie-Zhoushan and Binhai-Tonglu , were discovered by recent study .