
yán chuáng
  • Bedrock;sill;bed rock;cill
岩床[yán chuáng]
  1. 单个岩床的厚度在1-200m之间,较厚的岩床有明显的结晶分异作用。

    The thickness of sill varies from 1m to 200m .

  2. 在靠近岩床10m范围内,镜质体反射率(Ro)值比正常地温场条件下升高1至数倍,最高可达3.44%。

    The R_0 value within 10m around the sill is 1 to several times of that at normal geothermal field condition , and can even be as high as 3.44 % .

  3. 土层中位于B层之下岩床之上的一层;由风化的岩石组成。

    Beneath the B-horizon and above the bedrock ; consisting of weathered rock .

  4. 远离岩床烃源岩受热影响强度逐渐降低,直至50m以外趋于正常地温值。

    The intensity of thermal effect 's impacts on the source rocks decrease progressively away from the sill , and tend to be normal geotemperature over 50m away form the sill .

  5. 它岩床上,它动摇我的光。

    It rocks my bed ; it shakes my light .

  6. 这样两岸都会有坚实的岩床。

    Then we 'd have solid bedrock on both banks .

  7. 深峡在岩床中凿人了几百米;

    Deep gorges gouged hundreds of metres into the bedrock ;

  8. 位于上层土和岩床之间的一层土壤。

    The layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrock .

  9. 岩体是多期形成的,呈岩筒、岩床产出。

    The rock body was formed in several stages and seen as pipe and sill .

  10. 上复岩石的碎块可能破裂并成为岩床的一部分。

    Chunks of the overlying rock may break off and become a part of a sill .

  11. 我们把这种高温带入岩床中。

    And we take that high temperature and we bring it down into a rock bed .

  12. 那里拥有中国国内最罕见最丰富的鲁灰花岗岩岩床。

    There is the most rare in China with the most abundant shandong grey granite rock bed .

  13. 氧同位素会随着大气水循环而变化,硫同位素则根据地球岩床的不同而变化,通过它们我们就能确定地理位置。

    Oxygen isotopes vary with the water cycle , and sulfur with bedrock , so they 're location proxies .

  14. 它到达海洋,数百万吨的冰已经失去了岩床的支持上。

    It reaches the ocean and millions of tons of ice have lost the support of their rocky bed .

  15. 在数千年的漫长光阴中水的侵蚀深入到岩床的心脏地带

    Over many thousands of years , water has corrode its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself .

  16. 目前,他们已在沙子和岩床中钻了500英尺,未发生坍塌

    So far , it 's been able to bore through 500 feet of sand and bedrock with no collapses .

  17. 这些雕刻在石灰岩岩床上的迷宫被沙漠深埋,还有许多秘密等待发现。

    Carved from limestone bedrock , these labyrinths protrude deep beneath the desert and have much left to be discovered .

  18. 岩床底上如有陷穴,就起到天然溜槽的作用,干扰了岩流体系,使硫化进一步堆积。

    Sulfide further accumulates where depressions in the bottom of the sill interfere with the flow system and act as natural riffles .

  19. 在矿区中部和南部,岩床起了主导作用,造成煤种变化的多样性和复杂性。

    In the middle and southern part of the mine area sill predominated , which resulted in complicated and varying types of coal .

  20. 煤层气开发有利区应在向斜翼部和岩墙、岩床附近变质程度高的煤区。

    The exploiting area should be in the synclinal profile , dike and bed rock with the high level of the coal metamorphism .

  21. 当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

    When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion .

  22. 后岩床皱襞与小脑幕缘的交点为标志点可定位滑车神经入小脑幕点。

    The point of intersection of post bedrock folds and tentorial edge can be targeted the point of Trochlear nerve into the tentorial .

  23. 结果46.7%(14/30)的动眼神经在跨越后床突和(或)后岩床皱襞处存在压迹。

    Results In 46.7 % of OMN there were OMN impressions where they strode over posterior clinoid processes and / or posterior petroclinoid folds .

  24. 二叠纪晚期到三叠纪断裂和下沉作用形成了大约9千米厚的第三纪沉积地层,在其中有岩床的切入。

    Late Permian to Triassic rifting and subsidence resulted in the deposition of as much as9 kilometers of Triassic strata , locally injected with sills .

  25. 我们相信美国是一个国家,那的小生意者可定是很了不起的,因为他们有岩床,我们经济的支柱。

    We believe that America is a country where small business owners must succeed , because they are the bedrock , backbone of our economy .

  26. 洪水冲洗掉地表附近松软的风化土,最终到达了岩床,哥伦比亚高原上坚硬的火山岩。

    The waters scoured off the soft , windblown soil near the surface and eventually reached bedrock , the hardened lava of the Columbia Plateau .

  27. 当一群考古学家在巨石堆历史纪念碑附近挖出一具木乃伊时,一个潜藏在岩床下的远古机器部件也被发现了。

    When a group of archaeologists dig up a human skeleton near the historical monument of STONEHENGE , an ancient piece of machinery hidden beneath the bedrock is discovered .

  28. 在矿区北部,花岗斑岩岩株对煤变质起了主导作用,侵入煤层的岩床的影响是局部的;

    In the northern part of mine area , stock of granite porphyry played a dominate role in coal metamorphism , and intrusive sill in coal seam was found locally .

  29. 这一带地层,由砂岩堆积而成,受海浪长期的侵蚀和风化,在海边,形成陡直的海蚀崖及宽平的岩床。

    The band formation , formed by the accumulation of sand , long-term erosion by waves and weathering in the sea , forming steep cliffs and wide flat rock bed .

  30. 琳达和她的同事说,这些纹路位于一块腐蚀的岩床上,高为2.5英寸。这些纹路可能是在液体流经碎岩和沉积矿物质时候形成的。

    According to Kah and her colleagues , the veins which jut out 2.5 inches above a patch of eroded bedrock likely formed when fluids moved through cracked rock and deposited minerals .