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Late magmatic mineral deposit like Panzhihua vanadic titanomagnetite deposit and some others ;
Dividing and prospecting for super - large scale Ni - cu ( pt ) magmatic sulfide deposits
Cu Ni sulfide deposit is a typical magmatic ore deposit .
Finally , skarn and ores show typical textures and structures of magmatic deposits .
Basic-and ultrabasic magma-related ore deposit ;
Realization and Application of Spatial Database for Chinese Nickel-Copper ( PGE ) Sulfide Deposits Mineral Geology
Panzhihua vanadic titanomagnetite ore deposit is characterized by high concentration of transition elements V , Ti and Fe etc.
The author regard this kind of ore deposit as magmatic differentiation and segregation ore deposit , not late magmatic ore deposit .
In China , it is more prominent , about 86 % amount of nickel , 90 % amount of platinum metals , 7.3 % copper comes from nickel-copper sulfide magmatic deposits .
Metallogenetic epoch of Jinchuan Cu - Ni ( PGE ) magmatic sulfide deposit
Estimation for chemical composition of parent magma of Jinchuan Cu ni ( pge ) magmatic sulfide deposit
Five types of super - large scale and super - huge scale Ni - Cu ( Pt ) magmatic sulfide deposits are defined and their positioning geological conditions and features are ex-pounded .
The invariable elements magmatic deposits are close to of the ultrabasic rocks , the TiO 2 is correlated with Al 2O 3 and ( La / Lu ) N etc. in positive correlation .
Main types of magma sulfide deposits in China
Re Os isotopic system and its application to study of magmatic Cu Ni PGE deposit
New classification of magmatic sulfide deposits in China and ore-forming processes of small intrusive bodies
Advances of Geochemical Behavior of Chalcophile Elements and Applications in Metallogeny of Magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE Sulfide Deposits
There is no uniform mineral geology database of Ni-Cu ( PGE ) sulfide deposit in China .
The Limahe Nickel Deposit is a typical PGE-poor Ni-Cu deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province .
For example , hydrothermal or sedimentary deposits may not exist on moon , but volcano-magma deposits are hopeful .
Magmatic phosphate deposits are mainly related to Hercynian and Caledonian ultramafic magmatic rocks , and they form a mineralogenetic series together with iron vanadium and titanium .
Based on the genetic type of deposits , IOCG deposits can be classified into three types as magmatic IOCG deposits , non-magmatic IOCG deposits and hybrid IOCG deposits .
Through collecting related material , arranging the data and devising the database , the mineral geology database of Chinese Ni-Cu ( PGE ) sulfide deposit is set up .
With the management software , the geological features of Chinese Ni-Cu ( PGE ) sulfide deposits are studied , the metallogenic features of small intrusions are presented , and their enrichment regularity is deduced .
Based on the study of relation of magma-chromium deposits to ultramafic rocks , this paper has described the leading role of aluminum acting on chromium mineralization from the aspects of the affinity and intergrowth rule of elements .
The ( evolution ) characteristics that both the acidity and δ ~ ( 18 ) O of the ore-bearing hydrothermal fall gradually from the early epoch to the late , are similar to those of other typical porphyry deposits .
Interaction between water and rocks of magmatic hydrothermal deposit and microscopic prospective significance
According to mineralization mechanism of source-migrate-move , this paper contains that copper ore deposit belong to type of magmatic genesis .
Although granitoid intrusives in the belt are spatially and temporally associated with gold mineralization , there is no direct genetic link between them , namely , these gold deposits are not magmatic hydrothermal deposits .
The South Qilian consists of flysch formations and pyroclastic rocks of continental and intracontinental rift-environments as well as the Middle Qilian old basement , and contains some magmatic copper-nickel deposits and chromium deposits and large-size orogenic type gold deposits .