- 网络Leptite

The trachyte , phonolite , dolerite , K-bearing marl , K-feldspar leptite etc are to be exploited and utilized .
Epimetamorphic rock series distributed in the south of the Dabie Orogenic Belt are a sequence of volcanic clastic rock series , mainly composed of silty phyllite , laminated siliceous slate , meta volcanic breccia and leptite .
Amphibolite-leptite is meta-volcanic rocks resulting from continuous differentiation of the same magma . Zircon Pb loss is serious and the 207Pb / 206Pb age is ≥ 2488 ± 8 Ma .
The effect of the anatexis is most prominent in sillimanite-K-feldspar leucogranulitite ( leptite ) of the Xiaojue area .
The granite , which is transitional to its host rock granulite , possesses some special structure and texture , fluctuating largely in its chemical component concentration .