
  • 网络high grade metamorphism
  1. 东南极普里兹带高级变质作用演化

    Evolution of high-grade metamorphism in the Prydz Belt , East Antarctica

  2. 冀东高级变质作用中流体演化

    Fluid Evolution During High-Grade Metamorphism in East Hebei

  3. 在中级变质时形成云母片岩;在高级变质作用下形成片麻岩。

    Some examples of metamorphic rocks are gneiss , slate , marble , schist and quartzite .

  4. 经岩石化学及微量元素等的研究表明,这是一个由贫硅富铝的沉积岩经高级变质作用形成的矿床。

    Based on the investigation by petrochemistry and trace elements , It is regarded that this corundum deposit are formed by metamorphism from the sedimentary rocks riched in aluminium .

  5. 泛非期高级变质作用是区域性的,其高峰变质并不像前人想象的那样只发生在中低压麻粒岩相条件下,而是高达850~950℃和0.90~0.95GPa。

    The metamorphic peak of the Pan-African rocks is not under low-to medium-pressure granulite facies conditions , as previously thought , but reaches as high as 850-950 ℃ and 0.90-0.95 GPa .