
  • 网络Fang Zhimin;Fang Tsi-ming
  1. 以方志敏身上的那份清贫;

    Fang Zhimin on the share of the poor ;

  2. 在方志敏领导下,我们开到赣东北。

    Led by Fang zhimin , we made our way to northeast jiangxi .

  3. 方志敏宁可献出自己的生命,也不愿成为党的叛徒。

    Fang Zhimin preferred to lose his life rather than turn traitor to the communist party of China .

  4. 北京和平里示范小区是北京市住宅区环境样板工程和南昌市人民公园绿化带设计浮雕“方志敏”是我的一些想法实践。

    In the peace demonstration district , Beijing is Beijing city residential environment boilerplate project is my practice and application of some ideas .

  5. 方志敏,江西弋阳人,赣东北革命根据地和红军第十军的主要创建人。

    Comrade Fang Chih-min , a native of Yiyang , Kiangsi Province , was the founder of the Red area in northeastern Kiangsi and of the Tenth Red Army .

  6. 影片以波澜壮阔的战争场面,坚定不移的理想信念,感人肺腑的清廉行为,令人信服的高尚人格,塑造了一代伟人方志敏的光辉形象。

    The film offers a magnificent war scenes , a firm ideals and beliefs , touching and honest behavior , convincing a noble personality , shaped a generation of great men the glorious image of Fang Zhimin .

  7. 方志敏的清贫哲学思想积淀了中华民族的道义、德行和民族尊严、不畏艰苦的精神,在中国现代哲学中,是一种独树一帜的崭新的哲学思想。

    In Chinese modern philosophies , FANG Zhi-ming 's " impoverishedness " philosophy is a new and unique one , which has accumulated the morality and justice of Chinese nation , the national dignity , and the spirit of defying difficulties .