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bì yīn
  • Shade;protect;give shade;shield
庇荫 [bì yìn]
  • (1) [give shade]∶ [树木] 遮住阳光

  • 其叶又茂盛,可以庇荫人

  • (2) [protect;shield]∶包庇;庇护。提供财力、物力或势力以保护后代子孙

  • 一旦流离,无人庇荫

庇荫[bì yīn]
  1. 它们自由地漫步,在野外或宽敞猪舍的庇荫下安睡。

    They roam freely , sleep outdoors or shelter in spacious pigsties .

  2. 他们靠庇荫网络治理国家。

    They run this country by patronage networks .

  3. 中国转型期地方庇荫网形成的制度因素

    The Institutional Factors in the Patronage Network of Local Official Organizations in the Transitional Period of China

  4. 祂可以让我们感觉到,我们被祂的爱包围,庇荫在祂特别的看顾下。

    He can make us feel that we are under His special care and are surrounded by His peculiar love .

  5. 第二遇到任何困难和痛苦,三宝依然是你唯一可以依赖的庇荫。

    Secondly , whatever sufferings and hardships you go through , you should not rely on anything but the three jewels .

  6. 或许是偶然地,铁娘子躺在了狮心王理查德铜像的庇荫下。

    Here , maybe only by chance , the Iron Lady lay briefly in the shadow of a bronze statue of Richard the Lionheart .

  7. 我对爱的理解是两个不知该如何独处之人的庇荫。

    Well , I kind of see love as this escape for two people who don 't know how to be alone , you know .

  8. 而在光照和水分供应充足的条件下,榉树的苗木高、地径平均生长量是庇荫、水分供应相对少的2.8倍。

    The height and basal diameter growth with sufficient light and water supply was 2.8 times of seedlings under shady conditions and with insufficient water .

  9. 如果你玩累了想要放松一下,为什么不到阿迪达斯体育场后面庇荫的啤酒公园喝一杯冰啤酒呢?

    If you need to wind down after all the exertion , why not relax with a cold drink in the shaded beer garden behind the adidas Arena .

  10. 或许在那些较高处的一个小山丘或大石头的庇荫里,那里变脏的雪堆还在竭力抵抗着不可避免的泉水的冲击。

    Perhaps in the lee of a hillock or boulder where , in the higher altitudes , dirty clumps of snow still battled the inevitable onslaught of spring .

  11. 通过将建筑提升到空中,建筑下面的空间在冬季将是无雪地带,到了夏季又将是一个干燥庇荫的广场。

    By lifting the building in the air , the area under the building will be a snow free zone in winter and a dry and shaded plaza during summer .

  12. 在适度庇荫环境中,紫椴幼树垂直生长采取演替先锋种的避荫对策,侧枝生长采取中等耐荫种的掠光对策;

    Under adequate shade condition , the saplings had the strategy of shade avoidance of pioneer species in upward growth , and had the strategy of light forage of moderate shade tolerance in horizontal branch growth .

  13. 牧师能够进到这个庇荫之地,暗自高兴,因为这样一来,他就无须向世人暴露他在街上一路走来时那不断怂恿他的种种离奇古怪的邪念了。

    The minister was glad to have reached this shelter , without first betraying himself to the world by any of those strange and wicked eccentricities to which he had been continually impelled while passing through the streets .

  14. 本文叙述在庇荫条件和光照条件下,红松幼树营养特点的研究。于19841986年每隔1015天定期地测定了红松枝叶的鲜重和干重,并分析了营养元素的含量。

    The nutrient characteristics was studied under the condition of shade and sunny from 1984 to 1986 . The fresh and the dry weight of twigs-leaves of seedlings were determined every other 10 to 15 days , and the contents of the mineral nutrient element were analysed .