
  • 网络advanced skill
  1. 没有进一步的培训或高级技能的话,他们就会丢掉工作。

    Without more training or advanced technical skills , they 'll lose their jobs .

  2. 本文的目标读者是对XML和Web服务有基本了解且具有高级技能和经验的软件架构师和业务分析人员。

    It 's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience .

  3. 我们将讨论各种最佳实践(哪些内容设计为在哪种情况下使用)。本文的目标读者是对XML和Web服务有基本了解且具有高级技能和经验的软件架构师和业务分析人员。

    We will cover best practices ( what designs to use in which situations . ) It 's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience .

  4. 按照学生和学校的说法,在快速发展的中国金融业领域,企业希望新雇员工除了拥有大学文凭以外,还应具备一些高级技能,但并不需要新人拥有M.B.A.毕业生可能具备的那些高级战略层面的技能——还有高薪要求。

    Companies in China 's fast-growing finance sector want hires with some advanced skills beyond a college degree , yet don 't need recruits with the high-level strategy expertise ─ and high salary requirements ─ that an M.B.A. might have , according to students and schools .

  5. 获得独立的应用开发项目中的高级技能

    Primary goal is independent application and further development of advanced skills

  6. 陕西制造业高级技能人员人力资本开发研究

    Study on Exploiting the Human Capital of Personnel with High Technical Ability

  7. 提高物理教学质量培养高级技能人才

    Heighten Physics Teaching Quality and Cultivate High Grade Technique Talent

  8. 高职教育的培养目标是具有高尚职业道德和大专以上专业知识水平,具有高级技能的实用型、创造型人才。

    Vocational education training goal is to cultivate practical and creative talents .

  9. 高级技能兴许会有更多空位。

    There might be more on higher level skills .

  10. 高级技能人才的现状与对策研究

    Study on Current Situation and Countermeasures of High-skilled Personnel

  11. 创建长效机制加快高级技能人才培养步伐

    Setting up long-term effective mechanism to speed up the training for high-tech personnel

  12. 入世与高级技能人员的开发

    Joining the WTO and Senior Skilled Worker

  13. 包装技术高级技能人才培养探讨

    Discussion on Trainning Highly Skillful Packaging Talent

  14. 高级技能型人才应具备的基本素质

    Basic Qualities of Higher Skilled Talent

  15. 论我国高级技能人员的开发

    High Skills of Our Staff Development

  16. 本教程是为具备中高级技能和经验的分析人员编写的。

    This tutorial is written for analysts whose skills and experience are at an intermediate to advanced level .

  17. 英语写作是掌握英语这门语言的一项高级技能要求。

    Writing in English is generally considered to be an advanced demanding skill in trying to master English Language .

  18. 在第二章中,理论分析,主要对概念加以界定、阐释相关理论以及对中国高级技能人才成长路径进行具体分析;

    In the second chapter , I will analyze the growing path of advanced artificer and the related theory and concept .

  19. 高职教育面临着学制缩短和迅速培养大批高级技能型人才的新形势。

    Higher vocational education is facing the new situation that rapidly training large amount of skilled talents in shortened length of schooling .

  20. 将学院发展成为药学技术应用型人才的培养基地,制药工业高级技能人才的摇篮。

    The college should be developed to be a training base for pharmaceutical applied technological talents and a cradle of high skilled personnel of pharmaceutical industry .

  21. 作为劳动密集型产业,酒店业需要大批训练有素、既有熟练的业务水平又懂酒店管理的高级技能型人才。

    As a labor-intensive industry , hotels need a large number of well-trained , both mastering modern hotel operation and understanding management , senior specialized persons .

  22. 在未来快速增长的经济中,没有任何一个职业发展和极少数的工作不需要高等教育和高级技能。

    There is no career track and few jobs in fast-growing economies in the future that won 't require a high level of education and skills .

  23. 为培养适应新形势的应用型高级技能人才,将高职机械类专业的机械基础系列课程整合为一门以能力培养为主线的综合课程&机械制图与设计。

    Research into the Mechanical Basic Courses Education Reform and Construction in the major of Automible Maintenance and Detection and Engineering Mechanics in Higher Professional Education ;

  24. 连续几任保守党和工党政府都积极扩充大学和学生数量,声称毕业生学到的高级技能将推动经济增长。

    Successive conservative and Labour governments have aggressively expanded the number of universities and students , saying that graduates will learn high-level skills that boost the economy .

  25. 随着中国产业结构的升级和全球经济一体化步伐的加快,社会对高级技能型人才的需求日益增大。

    With the upgrading of the Chinese industry structure and the acceleration of the economic globalization , there has been an increasing need for those highly-specialized talents .

  26. 高职院校的培养目标和实训基地建设方向应紧紧围绕社会需求,围绕社会对高级技能型人才的素能要求来规划。

    The educational goal and building orientation of training base in higher vocational schools should be related with the qualities and ability of higher skilled talent according to social demands .

  27. 战略性新兴产业的发展需要多方面、多层次的人才,特别是战略性管理人才、创新型科技专家、技术骨干及高级技能人才。

    The development of strategic emerging industries need various and multi-level talent , especially strat_egic management talents , innovation experts of science and technology , technical backbone and Advanced skil_ls talents .

  28. 他们指出,收入不平等加剧或许仍然是由存在“技能偏差”的科技变革导致的,但大部分好处被拥有高级技能的人获得,而不仅仅受过教育的人。

    They point out that rising inequality may still be caused by " skill-biased " technical change but of a kind that disproportionately benefits the very skilled , rather than the merely educated .

  29. 同时,传统外语教学片面强调语言知识和低级技能的传授而忽视了对学生学习方法、学习策略等高级技能的培养,从而导致学生不会学习或不善于学习。

    Meanwhile , traditional curricula have tended to concentrate on imparting knowledge and skills to students , neglecting the teaching of how to learn . All that has led to students ' ineffective learning .

  30. 周连康和李长青都是作为外国研修生来到日本的,这是一个政府支持项目,目的是培养研修生的高级技能,以便他们回国后能学有所用。

    Mr Zhou and Mr Li went to Japan as foreign trainees who were supposed to acquire high-level skills on a government-sanctioned programme that aimed to nurture skills they could use once they returned home .