
  • 网络Automotive Professional
  1. 浅谈多媒体技术在高职院校汽车专业课教学中的应用

    On the Application of Multimedia Technology in Automotive Professional Courses of Higher Education Institutions

  2. 最后,在汽车专业仿真平台advisor上,采用前向仿真和后向仿真相结合的方式,构建整车模型、道路循环模块。

    Finally , in the professional car simulation platform advisor , the simulation and the backward simulation combination method , constructing the whole vehicle model , road cycle module .

  3. 高职院校汽车专业教学改革的思考

    Thoughts of the reform of automobile major in Higher Vocational College

  4. 汽车专业技能教学考评体系的实践与研究

    Study and Practice on Evaluation System of Automobile Skill Teaching

  5. 汽车专业计算机辅助专用软件的引进开发管理程序

    Importing the Auto Management Program for Computer Assistant Specific Software

  6. 高职汽车专业课程平台设置的探讨

    A Discussion on the Curriculum of Car Department in Higher Vocational College

  7. 汽车专业实训课程模块化建设

    Construction for Skills Training Course Mode of Automobile Major

  8. 基于弹性教学模式的汽车专业教学方法探索

    The Exploration of Teaching Methods for Automobile Major Based on Flexible Teaching Model

  9. 广泛吸纳海内外高级汽车专业人才。

    Extensively absorb domestic and overseas advanced automobile professionals .

  10. 汽车专业实行模块教学的探索

    Study on Application of Module Teaching in Automobile Department

  11. 我毕业于阜新高等专科学校,我所学的专业是汽车专业!

    I am graduated from FUXIN Altitude Acad , my major is automobile .

  12. 高职院校汽车专业共享型教学资源库建设

    Construction of Shared Teaching Resource Library of Automotive Specialty in Higher Vocational Schools

  13. 高职汽车专业实训基地建设的途径

    Approach to construct practical training base automobile specialized subject of higher vocational education

  14. 汽车专业模块式课程体系构建思路

    Thought of The Course System of Automobile Module

  15. 汽车专业开设电控方向毕业设计的认识与实践

    Discussion on the Practice of Offering Graduation Design of Electronic Control in the Automobile Speciality

  16. 汽车专业理实一体教学基地建设的探讨

    The Approach on the Construction of the Automobile Teaching Base of Integrating Theory with Practice

  17. 适应新形势探索汽车专业建设新途径

    Adapt to New Situation so as to Explore New Aceesses to Development of Automobile Speciality

  18. 汽车专业课程理论与实践教学一体化探讨

    Discussion on organic whole between the Curriculum Theory and the practice Teaching in cars Major

  19. 德国教学模式在职业学校汽车专业骨干教师培训中的应用

    The Application of German Teaching Model in Backbone Teachers Training of Auto-mobile Specialty of Vocational Schools

  20. 高职汽车专业的实训基地是培养学生实践技能的重要途径。

    Effect of target teaching method in practical skills training of nursing students in emergency department ;

  21. 中职汽车专业多种教学方法的灵活运用

    How Can the Automobile Specialties of the Secondary Vocational Schools Reflect a Variety of Flexible Teaching Methods

  22. 他们将受到欢迎,无论是生活与经营者或汽车专业和高效率的呼叫管理服务员。

    They are greeted with either a live operator or auto attendant for professional and efficient call management .

  23. 中国的汽车专业技术已经在沿着一条非常不同于中国在其他领域曲线道路的道路发展着。

    The evolution of China 's automotive expertise has followed a path quite dissimilar to her learning curve in other areas .

  24. 多媒体技术应用于汽车专业课《汽车电气》课程中,构建出具有现代化教育特征的教学模式。

    Muhimedia technology used in the curriculum of " Automobile Electronics " builds out one of the characteristics of a modern education teaching .

  25. 培养掌握先进技术的高素质的汽车专业运用型人才,是地方专科学校汽车类专业的生存和发展方向。

    It is necessary for district polytechnic college automobile specialty to train students to become the talent who can master the advanced technology of automobile .

  26. 适用于各类大中专院校及职业技术类学校,汽车专业的教学与实验、实训。

    It is suitable for teaching aid experiment and practice of major in automotive for different kinds of junior or senior technical schools and colleges .

  27. 小刘同学和他的女朋友是在清华念书时的同学,现在他的女朋友在德国念汽车专业。

    Liu and his girlfriend met when they were both students at the top university in China and his girlfriend now is studying cars in Germany .

  28. 以汽车专业实验室的建设为例,给出了专业实验室的一般组建流程,并对汽车专业实验室组建过程中考虑的关键因素进行了分析和总结。

    In this paper , the authors provide the general constructional flow , analyze and summarize the key factors during the process , taking the construction of the automobile specialized laboratory for example .

  29. 文章就高职汽车专业实训基地建设的基本模式做了一些探讨,提出建立校外实训基地,走生产、教学、科研三者相结合的办学模式才是汽车专业发展的最佳选择。

    This paper probes into the pattern of construction practical base and points out that education pattern is the best way to develop the automobile specialized subject to construct practical base outside the campus and combining production , learning and research .

  30. Eaton公司,全世界汽车厂专业配件供应商这个公司是一个大的汽车制造厂商。

    Eaton Corporation , a Tier I supplier to automobile manufacturers worldwide The company is a major car producer .