
  • 网络Automotive;Automobile industry
  1. 随后他们借助快速国际扩张,使汽车业销售额翻了一番。

    They subsequently doubled automotive sales thanks to rapid international expansion .

  2. 以汽车业为例。

    Consider the automotive sector .

  3. 他为汽车业进行了坚决的辩护。

    He produced a stout defence of the car business

  4. 汽车业的问题造成其他行业也出现了经济上的连锁反应。

    The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well .

  5. 这种成就在汽车业中是史无前例的。

    This achievement was unprecedented in automobile history .

  6. 亨利·福特是一位汽车业巨头。

    Henry Ford was an automobile baron .

  7. 但较少有学者详尽论证金融运作对中国汽车业进入WTO的积极作用。

    Of Chinese automobile industry .

  8. 很快,汽车业的目光就将聚焦到底特律,北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)即将在此盛大开幕。

    In less than 72 hours , the attention of the automotive world will laser in on Detroit , scene of the North American International Auto Show .

  9. 在汽车业呈现如此惨状的同时,全美工业活动总体也出现下滑,供应管理学会(InstituteforSupplyManagement)10月份的制造业活动指数降至26年低点。

    The auto industry 's woes contributed to another drop in overall factory output , with the Institute for Supply Management reporting its manufacturing-activity index fell to a26-year low in October .

  10. 言语的恶毒程度令人瞠目结舌,IHSGlobalInsight的汽车业分析师保罗纽顿(PaulNewton)表示。

    The venom in the rhetoric is quite stunning , says Paul Newton , a motor industry analyst at IHS Global Insight .

  11. 福井威夫曾担任本田赛车业务的主管,他最近一次出现在一级方程式(FormulaOne)赛车背后,是在2005年,他就是美国汽车业高管们所说的那种“汽车人”。

    A former head of Honda 's racing division who was seen behind the wheel of a Formula One car as recently as2005 , Mr Fukui is what American industry executives call a " car guy " .

  12. 聚焦亚洲市场的汽车业分析师迈克邓恩(MikeDunne)表示:它在放弃宝贵的地盘。

    It 's ceding precious ground , says Mike Dunne , a car analyst who focuses on Asian markets .

  13. 其中一些举措,加之世界各国政府干预行业政策尤其是对金融业和汽车业的纾困对贸易的扭曲作用,可能会在wto引发法律诉讼。

    Some of these actions , together with the trade-distorting effects of government industrial policy interventions around the globe particularly financial and auto industry bail-outs may be vulnerable to legal challenge at the WTO .

  14. 如果问西方的汽车业高管,是否将有一家中国汽车企业会继丰田(Toyota)和现代(Hyundai)之后,成为全球汽车制造商,那么答案绝对是肯定的。

    Ask a western car executive if a Chinese company will follow Toyota and Hyundai to become a global automaker , and the answer is a resounding yes .

  15. 本次衰退期间,相对于汽车业和金融服务业,宝洁(p&g)和联合利华(unilever)等消费品公司更好上维持了广告支出。

    Consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble and Unilever maintained their advertising more than automotives and financial services during the recession .

  16. 尽管在美国有多家日本造车厂,但美国汽车业对tpp能否增加日本的汽车进口,持保留态度。

    The US car industry , despite the presence of many Japanese factories in America , has reservations about the implications of TPP for more imports from Japan .

  17. 突然之间,这家在20世纪90年代靠生产高油耗的卡车和越野车(SUV)而变得硕大无朋的公司在汽车业竞争最激烈的领域赚了个盆满钵满。

    Suddenly , the company that grew fat in the1990s on gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs is cleaning up in one of the auto industry 's most competitive sectors .

  18. 汽车业的高管已经开始推测谷歌在无人驾驶技术上的商业策略。谷歌从2009年起开始研发这项技术,并在丰田(Toyota)和雷克萨斯(Lexus)的专用车型上进行了论证。

    Auto industry executives have speculated about Google 's business strategy for self-driving technology , which it has been developing since 2009 and demonstrating on specially adapted Toyota ( TM ) and Lexus vehicles .

  19. 汽车业专家将上个月丰田和马自达(MazdaMotorCorp.)在华销量下滑归咎于中日之间的紧张关系。不过,本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.)销量同比却上升了15%。

    Auto-industry experts blamed the tensions for a drop in China sales last month for Toyota and Mazda Motor Corp. , 7261.TO - 2.13 % though Honda Motor Co. 7267.TO - 4.88 % saw a 15 % rise from a year earlier .

  20. 常驻亚洲的汽车业咨询顾问邓凯(michaeldunne)表示,这宗交易将是一个“里程碑”,但是“在中国,在各方在文件上签名以前,交易就不能算达成”。

    Michael Dunne , an Asia-based motor consultant , said the deal would be a " milestone " , but " in China , the deal is never completely sealed until the signatures are on the papers " .

  21. 一个稚嫩的汽车业跳过常规的混合动力车、一下子实现电气化的构想从来就是不现实的,北京汽车咨询公司Synergistics总裁、曾执掌克莱斯勒(Chrysler)中国业务的罗威(BillRusso)表示。

    It was simply never realistic for a fledgling auto industry to skip conventional hybrids and immediately electrify , said Bill Russo of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing , who previously ran Chrysler in China .

  22. 在汽车业,人们常常把丰田(toyota)和克莱斯勒(chrysler)作为经营良好与经营糟糕的典范相比较;二者根本区别在于,外部股东要求对丰田的影响远远小于克莱斯勒。

    In the car industry , it is a commonplace to contrast Toyota with Chrysler as a well-run versus a badly run enterprise ; an essential difference is that Toyota is much less subject to the demands of its external shareholders than Chrysler .

  23. 这一发展帮助汽车业进入大规模生产。

    That development helped the auto industry move into mass production .

  24. 全球汽车业兼并重组风潮评述

    A Discussion on Annexation and Reorganization of the Global Automobile Industry

  25. 看起来,汽车业可能会给自己树立起一点环保的形象。

    It looks like the industry might gain some green cred .

  26. 这正是国会在它封杀的汽车业救助法案中所做的。

    That is what Congress did in the failed auto bailout bill .

  27. 奔驰与克莱斯勒掀起全球汽车业合并新高潮

    Daimler Benz and Chrysler Bring Mergence to a New Climax in Global

  28. 我国汽车业整车物流的分析

    An Analysis of Automobile Logistics in Domestic Automotive Industry

  29. 塔瓦雷斯在汽车业备受推崇。

    Tavares has been highly regarded in industry circles .

  30. 中国汽车业的发展不可能独立于世界市场之外。

    China 's auto industry will not be dependent with world auto industry .