
  • Odin;Terrance Odean;Ondine
  1. 他发誓一定要挫败奥丁的计划。

    He swore to defeat Odin 's plan .

  2. 许多女人都自由自在地接受了性别混淆的时装概念,在奥丁(Odin)、卡德特(Cadet)和多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)购买小号的男装。

    Many women freely embrace the notion of gender fluidity , buying men 's wear in small sizes at stores like Odin , Cadet and Dover Street Market .

  3. (挪威神话)奥丁神的少女负责选出战争中被杀的英雄,并引导他们去valhalla神殿。

    ( Norse mythology ) one of the maidens of Odin who chose heroes to be slain in battle and conducted them to Valhalla .

  4. 圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。

    Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin .

  5. 两个新的期待已久的化身,亚历山大和奥丁将增加。

    Two new long-awaited avatars , Alexander and Odin will be added .

  6. 英烈祠奥丁神接受阵亡英雄灵魂的殿堂。

    The hall in which Odin received the souls of slain heroes .

  7. 奥丁之子,流放的日子里,我长了见识

    I have grown , Odinson , in my exile .

  8. 奥丁的胡子,这是不错的早餐混合物。

    Rajesh : By Odin 's beard , this is good Chex Mix .

  9. 是我托尔奥丁之子

    It is I. Thor , son of Odin !

  10. 索尔是奥丁和大地之神娇德的儿子。

    Thor was the son of Odin and Fyorgyn , the earth goddess .

  11. 在德国,人们在仲冬假日祭奠异教徒的奥丁神。

    In Germany , people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday .

  12. 所以当他们在这样做时,他们做了一支茅给奥丁。

    So while they were at it , they made a spear for Odin .

  13. 奥丁有两个兄弟:维利和威。

    Odin 's brothers were wilI and we .

  14. 但是我在奥丁剧场之外排队几小时,等着看“披头士”的时候,却没发生这么不文明的扫兴事。

    Nothing so uncivil marred my hours-long wait outside the Odeon to see the Beatles .

  15. 就像奥丁的法老一样

    Like the pharaohs of old .

  16. (挪威神话)经常和以奥丁为首的诸神有冲突的巨人族。

    ( Norse mythology ) one of a race of giants often in conflict with the Aesir .

  17. 这是一个非常遥远的地方,奥丁的斯莱普纳快马也要奔驰九个夜晚才能到达。

    It was so far away that Odin 's swift horse Sleipnir took nine nights to reach it .

  18. 奥丁是一个漂亮的老电影院,2013年被拆掉了。当晚,剧场外排起了长蛇一样的大队,人潮汹涌。

    Around the Odeon , a beautiful old cinema that was demolished in 2013 , the line snaked and swelled .

  19. 上面那是什么是雷神索尔还是奥丁挪威的一个神他还蛮酷的

    What is that ? Is that Thor , or ... Odin ? A Norse god ? He 's cool .

  20. 我相信吾主奥丁任何时候都不会接受一个凡人要求神格的提案!

    Hi : I do not believe Lord Odin would be accepting " submission " for mortals for godhood at any time !

  21. 众神之父奥丁在与魔狼芬里厄的对决中被后者吞噬,这个巨型野兽的两个儿子会吃掉月亮和太阳。

    Odin the All-Father will die in combat with Fenrir , a gigantic animal whose two sons will eat the moon and the sun .

  22. 所有被这些蜂蜜酒淋到的人类都变成了糟糕的诗人和学者,而真正伟大的诗人都是被奥丁亲自用蜂蜜酒洗涤过的人。

    Anyone who was touched by the mead became the terrible poets and scholars , while the greatest were the ones doused with the mead by Odin personally .

  23. 因为奥丁本人就是苹果的用户界面设计师,是他最先向史蒂夫•乔布斯展示,如何让过度滚动的列表像橡皮筋一样弹回来。

    Ording , it turns out , was the Apple user interface designer who first showed Steve Jobs how to make an over-scrolled list bounce like a rubber band .

  24. 另外还有瓦尔哈拉殿堂,奥丁将在战斗中英勇牺牲的英雄们一半放在这儿,另一半由其妻子弗丽阁接管。

    There also was walhalla , wherein Odin placed one-half of the heroes slain in battle , the other half being received by freija , the wife of odin .

  25. 希格尔德首先为自己的父亲报了仇,接着前往法弗尼尔的巢穴屠杀恶龙,并且在奥丁的帮助下赢得胜利。

    After first avenging his own father 's death , Sigurd went to Fafnir 's lair and killed the dragon , utilizing some tips from Odin to win the fight .

  26. 奥丁的后裔斯瓦弗尔拉梅在两个矮人离家后把他们捉走,在天黑之前,他们如果没回到家就会变成石头。

    The dwarves were captured by Odin 's grandson Svafrlami after they left their home . They would be turned to stone if they didn 't return before the sunrise .

  27. “我们的确意识到这将使得依赖此快捷键的用户十分沮丧,”谷歌产品经理泰勒·奥丁写道。

    We 're definitely aware of the frustration that this causes users who have come to rely on the shortcut , a Google product manager , Tyler Odean , writes .

  28. 奥丁主要与治愈、死亡、王权、绞刑、知识、战争、魔法、诗歌、狂暴,他的妻子是北欧神话中的女神弗丽嘉。

    Odin is associated with healing , death , royalty , the gallows , knowledge , battle , sorcery , poetry and frenzy , and is the husband of the goddess Frigg .

  29. 奥丁是加拿大安大略人,今年三月他13岁生日那天,他的生日趴连一位同学也没邀请到。奥丁的妈妈梅丽莎于是创建了脸书专页,邀请陌生网友祝儿子生日快乐。

    On his 13th birthday last March , Odin 's mother Melissa created a Facebook page asking strangers to wish him happy birthday after none of his classmates showed up to his party .

  30. 它看上去更像个仓库,而不是诺尔斯神奥丁为阵亡将士准备的灵堂,不过那可能是因为,至少在安斯特,瓦尔哈拉是一家精酿酒厂。

    It looked more like a warehouse than the Norse god Odin 's grand hall for fallen warriors , but that may have been because on Unst at least , Valhalla is a craft brewery .