
  • 网络Ausubel;Jesse Ausubel;David Ausubel
  1. 美国教育理论家、心理学家奥苏贝尔(D.P.Ausubel)的先行组织者教学策略(AdvanceOrganizerModel)给了我们很好的启迪。

    The United States education theoretician , psychologists Ausubel ( D.P. Ausubel )" Advance Organizer " teaching strategy ( Advance Organizer Model ) gave us a good enlightenment .

  2. 本文根据美国教育心理学家奥苏贝尔(D.P.Ausubel)提出意义学习的先决条件,从影响学生学习心向的角度,提出有关《大学英语》教材的情感处理策略,即如何从情感维度上优化处理大学英语教材。

    Based on the two prerequisites for meaningful learning put forward by David P. Ausubel , this paper aims at a discussion of some affective strategies of presenting teaching materials of College English .

  3. 试析奥苏贝尔的学习理论及其启示

    Ausubel 's Learning Theories and Its Enlightenment on Current Education

  4. 奥苏贝尔和罗杰斯有关意义学习理论的比较与启示

    A comparison & revelation between meaningful learning and significant learning

  5. 从奥苏贝尔有意义言语学习理论重新认识教学中的讲授法

    The Recognition of Teaching Method from D. P. Ausubel 's Studying Theory of Meaningful Linguistics

  6. 根据对奥苏贝尔的认知结构理论与迁移理论的理解,提出化学教学中应如何设计教学程序,以突出学生主体性。

    He also told us how to design chemistry teaching process in order to give prominence to students .

  7. 自美国心理学家奥苏贝尔提出先行组织者概念以来,关于先行组织者的理论和应用研究受到大家广泛关注。

    Advance organizer and its application had attracted much attention since the concept was proposed by American psychologist David Ausubel .

  8. 美国著名的心理学家奥苏贝尔为学校的理论和实践提供了较为系统和全面的心理学基础,对心理学的学习理论和教学论的有机结合进行了创造性的尝试和探索。

    Ausubel , who is a famous psychologist of American , gave the systematical and thorough psychology foundation for schools theory and application .

  9. 奥苏贝尔对其提出了与众不同的看法,他认为成就动机是由认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力三个方面组成。

    Ausube puts forward his special point about it and he thinks achievement motivation consists on cognitive drive , ego-enhancement need and affiliative drive .

  10. 美国著名的教育心理学家奥苏贝尔认为,影响学习的唯一最重要因素就是学习者已经知道了什么。

    P. Ausubel , a famous American psychologist , pointed out that the most important factor that affects study is what learners have known .

  11. 奥苏贝尔成就动机理论从认知驱力、自我一增强驱力、附属驱力三方面阐述了学生的学习动机。

    Ausubel achievement motivation theory explains the students'motivation of learning in the following three aspects : cognitive drive , self-enhance drives and affiliated drives .

  12. 奥苏贝尔的意义学习理论启示我们,学生对化学概念的掌握程度决定了无机化学的学习质量。

    The meaningful learning theory of Ausubel shows that the degree of commanding inorganic chemistry concepts for students determines how well they learn inorganic chemistry .

  13. 以奥苏贝尔提倡的三种新旧知识的同化模式的理论为依据,对教学内容进行加工组织,激活学生相关的原有物理情境。

    Process and organize teaching content , inspire students original physical scene on the basis of the three assimilating modes of original-new knowledge , which was advocated by Ausubel .

  14. 这一部分重点采用了加涅的认知学习理论以及奥苏贝尔和诺曼的对于心智模式的相关理论,对网上学习课程进行了实证设计、测量、分析。

    In part , we apply Gagne 's ' cognitive learning theory ' and Ausubel & Norman 's related theory on mental model in order to design , measure , and analyze an e-learning course .

  15. 这一理论不仅揭示了语言学习是一个认知过程,而且奠定了奥苏贝尔认知同化理论的基础(奥苏贝尔也是用认知结构来解释学习过程的)。

    His theory not only reveals that language learning is a cognitive process , but also lays a foundation for Ausubel 's Cognitive Assimilation Learning Theory ( Ausubel interprets the learning process with cognitive structure ) .

  16. 其理论依据是建构主义学习理论、奥苏贝尔的学与教理论、学习能动性原则等理论,实现该模式关系到三大因素:老师、学生和网络资源。

    Its theoretical foundation to build and construct doctrine study theory , Su the " learning and teach " theory , study dynamic roles of shellfish , Realize that this mode concerns three major factors : Teacher , student and network resource .

  17. 奥苏贝尔意义接受学习的基本观点认为,接受学习并不等于机械学习,通过合适的方法,接受学习可以朝着意义学习转化,在这个转化过程中,教师角色特征的转变起着一种基础性作用。

    The basic view of Ausubel 's meaningful receptive learning is that , receptive learning is not mechanical learning , it can change toward meaningful learning by proper methods , and the change of instructor role feature is basic in the course of change .

  18. 奥苏贝尔认知同化理论可为初中化学概念的教学提供理论指导,本文分别从概念的上位关系、下位关系、组合关系的同化方式对初中化学概念的教学进行了初步的探讨。

    The cognizant assimilation theory of Ausubel provides the theoretical direction for the chemical concept teaching of junior middle school . This text discusses the assimilative mode of superordinate relationships , subordinate relationships and combinational relationships used in the chemical concept teaching of junior middle school .