
  • 网络William of Ockham;William of Occam;William Ockham
  1. 直到十四世纪时,在奥卡姆的威廉的著作中才到达一个转捩点。

    A turning point was reached in the fourteenth century in the writings of William of Ockham .

  2. 奥卡姆的威廉(公元1285-1347年)以及最著名的奥卡姆剃刀告诉我们抽象的类别,比如人性或者善并没有独立存在的内涵。

    William of Ockham ( c.1285 – 1347 ) he of the celebrated Ockham 's razor taught that abstract categories , such as humanity or goodness , had no independent existence ;